Tunnel Vision: Masterclass on Rejecting the Line 5 Oil Tunnel

Some of the leading voices in the movement to shut down Line 5 offered a compelling, clear, and multi-layered picture of why the oil tunnel is a risky…

New Report Spells Disaster for Great Lakes

A new report reveals unapproved structure is a stunning risk to the Great Lakes and drinking water for 40 million unless regulators act.

America's Most Dangerous Pipeline

Steamboat Willie is now in the public domain. It helps tell the story of America's Most Dangerous Pipeline.

Mackinac Straits Corridor Authority Meeting 12-2023

The Mackinac Straits Corridor Authority is supposed to oversee the Enbridge oil tunnel project on behalf of the people of the State of Michigan. It is not doing…

Enbridge Line 5 Webinar: Questions and Answers

Our expert panel was back to answer questions about the work to shut down the Enbridge Line 5 crude oil pipeline before it ruptures into the Great Lakes.…

WDIV Special Investigation on Michigan’s Line 5 Pipeline

Karen Drew, WDIV Detroit Anchor/Reporter filed an in-depth story on the Enbridge Line 5 crude oil pipeline. What is it, and why should you care? 

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