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Comment at Meeting of the IJC

RSVP34 people are attending


Wednesday, July 24, 2019
6:30 p.m.– 8:30 p.m. EDT


Holiday Inn West Bay Beach
615 E Front St
Traverse City, MI 49686
United States

IJC Waters

Canada and the United States created the International Joint Commission (IJC) because they recognized that each country is affected by the other's actions in lake and river systems along the border. The two countries cooperate to manage these waters and to protect them for the benefit of today's citizens and future generations.

For the first time in years, the IJC will hold a regional meeting in Traverse City. Their meeting includes a public comment period where they want to hear about the concerns from the public about the greatest threats to the Great Lakes. Line 5 should be at the top of this list.

Please come to the IJC meeting and express your concern for decommissioning Line 5. This is not a body that has direct authority over this pipeline, but it is a great place to make sure they're doing what they can to alleviate this threat.

There will be 3-minute public comments allowed. Registration to speak is at the event. IPR Radio's Peter Payette will be moderating the public comment.

Please RSVP below and we hope to see you on Wednesday evening in Traverse City. You may also RSVP at the IJC event's registration page here.

34 people are attending

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