Sign this petition to urge President Biden to act to protect the Great Lakes and climate from America's Most Dangerous Pipeline


President BidenIt's time for President Biden to revoke the presidential pipeline permit and shut down the Enbridge Line 5 crude oil pipeline. An oil spill from this unnecessary pipeline in the Great Lakes threatens the drinking water of 40 million people. If it ever gets built, an oil tunnel in 10 years is not a solution to this urgent threat. He must act now to protect the Great Lakes from Enbridge's damaged, dangerous, old pipelines. Enbridge experts testified, and other independent reports attest that a pipeline shutdown would have little impact on energy prices.

Oil & Water Don't Mix is a respected coalition of citizens and non-profit environmental groups working to protect the Great Lakes and climate from the Enbridge Line 5 crude oil pipeline. This petition will only share your name and state with the White House. We'll update you with infrequent emails - you can always opt out later. Your information is safe with us.

Dear President Biden,

I strongly urge you to take the following actions regarding the ongoing dispute over Enbridge Energy’s outdated and dangerous Line 5 pipeline, which threatens our Great Lakes and climate:

  • Revoke the presidential permit for the Line 5 pipeline - the presidential permit is predicated upon Enbridge’s compliance with their easement agreement with Michigan. Enbridge violated that easement from 1968 until Governor Whitmer revoked it in 2020.

...petition continues below.

  • File supportive briefs in the appropriate court of jurisdiction, making it clear that Michigan has the authority to revoke the Line 5 easement and shut down the pipeline.
  • Prevent improper use of the 1977 Transit Pipeline Treaty with Canada - Canadian attempts to keep Line 5 operating by invoking the Treaty are ill-founded and disingenuous. The 4th article of the treaty allows the exact kind of conduct to protect the environment and public trust resources pursued by Governor Whitmer and the Bad River Band.
  • Follow the global commitment of COP28 to begin transitioning away from fossil fuels. Future generations are counting on you.

This administration must protect our water and start taking action on climate change. Please take these actions today.

Oil & Water Don't Mix is a respected coalition of citizens and non-profit environmental groups that have been working to protect the Great Lakes and climate from the Enbridge Line 5 oil pipeline. This petition will only share your name and state with the White House. We'll keep you up to date with infrequent emails - you can always opt-out later. Your information is safe with us.

Help Reach the Next Goal: 10,000 signatures

Will you sign?


  • File supportive briefs in the appropriate court of jurisdiction, making it clear that Michigan has the authority to revoke the Line 5 easement and shut down the pipeline.
  • Prevent improper use of the 1977 Transit Pipeline Treaty with Canada - Canadian attempts to keep Line 5 operating by invoking the Treaty are ill-founded and disingenuous. The 4th article of the treaty allows the exact kind of conduct to protect the environment and public trust resources pursued by Governor Whitmer and the Bad River Band.
  • Follow the global commitment of COP28 to begin transitioning away from fossil fuels. Future generations are counting on you.

This administration has a duty to protect our water and start taking action on climate change. Please take these actions today.

Showing 8219 reactions

  • Claire Daniel
    signed via 2024-08-25 02:49:13 -0400
  • Tre Smith
    signed via 2024-08-25 01:45:08 -0400
  • Therese Kennedy
    signed 2024-08-25 00:14:03 -0400
  • Susan Banaszak Priebe
    signed via 2024-08-24 14:47:24 -0400
  • Paul Anthony
    signed 2024-08-24 11:28:41 -0400
  • Cohen Berg
    signed 2024-08-22 19:25:30 -0400
  • Christine Hucal
    signed 2024-08-22 14:00:31 -0400
  • Sarah Martines
    signed 2024-08-22 00:36:32 -0400
  • Lisa Vallee
    signed via 2024-08-21 23:58:45 -0400
  • Georgia Gebhardt
    signed 2024-08-21 09:10:12 -0400
  • Jim Pierce
    signed 2024-08-21 07:38:22 -0400
    Please don’t hesitate to move this forward. Every day that the line doesn’t leak is a gift, a gift much too valuable to ignore….please. Thank you
  • Norman Koerner
    signed 2024-08-21 04:45:29 -0400
  • Aleena Smedley
    signed 2024-08-20 22:59:43 -0400
    Our lakes are our greatest attributes. Don’t risk ruining them for money, they bring more money to michigan on their own than the pipe will.
  • Madison Dix
    signed 2024-08-20 14:18:19 -0400
    Every human being on earth needs fresh water to survive. Even the richest oil executive would die without it. All water on earth is connected through the water cycle. Every molecule of water you have ever drank has been in the Great Lakes before and will be again. When we lose fresh water to oil spills, we never get it back. If Line 5 continues to operate, there WILL be an oil spill, and it WILL soil the Great Lakes, amounting to 90% of North America’s available fresh water. We DON’T need Canadian tar sands to survive. We DO need that water. Please, for the love of all living things, use you head.
  • Dixie Wong
    signed 2024-08-20 13:56:40 -0400
    I liked your Webinar today. I will share your recording of the webinar.
  • Cj Kruska
    signed 2024-08-20 13:16:12 -0400
  • Patricia Cocksedge
    signed 2024-08-20 12:55:20 -0400
    Born and raised in Ontario, I have a longstanding relationship with the Great Lakes and totally support FLOW and the position that the governor should shut down the pipeline. Multinationals have too much power in relation to our watersheds and our critical water sources whether in the U.S. or Canada. Time to take back control. Thank you for these excellent webinars.
  • Shelby Robinson
    signed 2024-08-20 12:53:56 -0400
    You have made numerous comments to take action on climate change. Before you leave office please shut down this dangerous pipeline.
  • Andrea Stickney
    signed 2024-08-20 12:52:49 -0400
  • katharine miller
    signed 2024-08-20 12:52:35 -0400
  • Ann Swaney
    signed 2024-08-20 12:48:48 -0400
    Please — Help us protect the Great Lakes from Oil spills. Over 70 years of a bad tunnel — the clock is ticking.
  • Laura Asiala
    signed 2024-08-20 12:42:24 -0400
  • Diane Meyer
    signed 2024-08-19 20:16:07 -0400
  • Gregg Jennings
    signed 2024-08-19 19:36:22 -0400
  • Benedette Palazzola
    signed 2024-08-19 12:01:25 -0400
    I was born in Michigan, and have lived here most of my life. I see clearly that the Great Lakes are a crucial element of health, beauty, and safe water, to people, animals, and American society in general. Legal/political/challenging situations should not cause opposition to one of the country’s most valuable natural treasures. The Lakes have been messed around with long enough, and we need to save them back to their natural song of amazing history and meaning. You should be worried about the Great Lakes, not business or politics.
  • Steven Kuntzman
    signed via 2024-08-19 11:29:10 -0400
  • John Ephland
    signed 2024-08-19 10:16:55 -0400
  • Joanne Yinger
    signed 2024-08-19 10:08:46 -0400
  • Sarah Wunsch
    signed 2024-08-19 09:01:27 -0400
  • Michael Grubich
    signed 2024-08-19 08:35:28 -0400
    Every concerned Michigan environmentalist needs to read/ understand the Red Flags warning produced by these 2 Geotechnical engineering experts. They point out several serious “overlooked” ignored deficient environmental impacts Embroidery failed to address in there “latest” proposal to build / rebuild Pipeline 5 under the Straight of Mackinac. After reading through this report authored by Brian O’Mara and Mike Wilczynski I’m sure you will realize the risk to our Great Lakes and join the fight to oppose this pipeline project.

You can help now.

Join those working to protect the Great Lakes & climate from the Enbridge Line 5 crude oil pipeline.

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