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Biden/Whitmer in Traverse City Demonstration

RSVP148 people are attending


Saturday, July 03, 2021
2:00 p.m.– 3:00 p.m. EDT


Volleyball Courts west of Downtown TC
314 US 31
Traverse City, MI 49684
United States


Bill Latka

It has been reported that Pres. Biden will be appearing with Gov. Whitmer in Traverse City this Saturday, July 3. Their visit may lead to a chance to demonstrate support for shutting down Line 5, which as you know the Gov. has already started.

According to public reports, Pres. Biden will be flying from TVC to Antrim County, visiting King Orchards (a private event) between 12:50 to 3:00 pm with Whitmer, Stabenow, and Peters, and returning to TVC by helicopter.

He'll be on the ground in TC from 3:15 - 4:35 PM before flying to Wilmington at that point. No details are available to us about what they'll be doing on the ground in TC. Will he leave the airport or give a speech there? Will he visit the Cherry Festival for a photo op? Your guess is as good as mine. Keep your eyes peeled for secret service in black SUVs staking out an area and let us know.

We are still planning on meeting at 2:00 PM at the Volleyball Courts since many of the people that RSVP'd have that message. Depending on the turnout and interest we'll make a new plan from there.

The message would be to support Gov. Whitmer and her decision to shut down Line 5. Making and bringing signs with that message and in support of protecting the Great Lakes and climate would be appropriate.


148 people are attending

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