Missing Coating Line 5The Canadian oil transport company, Enbridge, knew that the coating on their Line 5 pipeline has been damaged for at least three years. But time and time again, they have lied by telling us and the State of Michigan that their pipeline that runs through the heart of the Great Lakes is in "like new condition." 

Stop the Lies - Shut down Line 5

The State says they are frustrated by the Enbridge lies. But that is not enough. Attorney General Bill Schuette has the authority - today - to shut down the pipeline. It's not enough to be frustrated. Now is the time for him to act.

Monday, November 6 is a day of action. Make a phone call to AG Schuette and report your call below. It's time for all of us to demand that he revoke Enbridge's easement to use the Great Lakes and begin the process of decommissioning Line 5 now.

Will You Make the Call?

Call AG Schuette's office: 517-373-1110

Use the following TALKING POINTS to help develop your message:

  • Enbridge has repeatedly been caught with a failing, incurable Line 5 which it can no longer fix, and is covering it up. Last week they admitted they knew about missing protective coating in 2014 and didn't tell the state until this year.
  • It's a double standard to give this company chance after chance to comply with the law when the average citizen doesn't get such breaks.
  • The Attorney General has the authority and mandate to revoke the easement under which Enbridge is operating -- the public owns the waters and Enbridge is a guest. It’s up to Enbridge to prove it can operate It's time for the Attorney General to act.

Then REPORT YOUR CALL by adding your name here!


454 calls
500 calls

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Showing 488 reactions

  • David Wolf
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:49:30 -0500
    I called and let them know that I live in Oakland County but have property on Lake Huron, in Northern Michigan and that I was concerned that the pipeline has passed its design-life, and needed to be shut down.

    Aide was very pleasant and assured me she would pass my request to the A.G.
  • Jose Perez-Sanz
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:48:23 -0500
  • Bruce Woodburn
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:47:12 -0500
  • Bruce Woodburn
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:47:12 -0500
  • Rita TurnerSheerin
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:47:06 -0500
  • Mike Berkowitz
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-11-06 16:45:49 -0500
    November 6 DAY OF ACTION. Make the call to AG Schuette. Shut Down Line 5! Please join me in making the phone call!
  • Mike Berkowitz
    @berkow10 tweeted link to this page. 2017-11-06 16:45:46 -0500
    November 6 DAY OF ACTION. Make the call to AG Schuette. Shut Down Line 5! Please join me in making the phone call! http://www.oilandwaterdontmix.org/call_schuette_to_revoke_easement?recruiter_id=31047
  • Christine a Laux
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:45:28 -0500
  • Mike Berkowitz
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:45:27 -0500
    The person on the phone told me that nobody in their office could speak to why AG Schuette hasn’t used his authority to revoke the easement. They told me to check out his website to find his stance on the issue.
  • William Klco
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:43:57 -0500
  • Jennifer VerHelst
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:42:44 -0500
    Was told she would “pass my thoughts along”
  • Beverly Byle
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:40:41 -0500
    I love Canada and have always had great respect for Canadians. I do not understand this behavior trying to hurt the Great Lakes of which they too border. Please shut down line 5 and save our lakes.
  • Susan Wood
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:40:24 -0500
  • Condy Jenema
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:38:04 -0500
  • Mary Armstrong
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:37:07 -0500
    I feel this is a fruitless effort but had to try. Does this person care at all for our state and our wonderful Great Lakes.
  • Nancy Shiffler
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:35:01 -0500
  • Terry Malone
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:34:46 -0500
    This is an important issue so I called.

    I also called, at your request, about the House vote on dropping Michigan’s tough ballast water law and learned that since MI is the only Great Lakes state with those tough laws, it is an ineffective law that just diverts shipping to ports in other . If you want me to call gov’t officials, make sure it isa worthwhile issue. I would like a call back from you on this ballast water issue. Perhaps I don’t have the full story.
  • Bill Latka
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-11-06 16:30:33 -0500
    November 6 DAY OF ACTION. Make the call to AG Schuette. Shut Down Line 5! Please join me in making the phone call!
  • Bill Latka
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:30:10 -0500
  • Thomas Bartley
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:29:32 -0500
  • Fern Spence
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:29:21 -0500
    Thank you FLOW and GROUNDWORK for bringing much needed attention to this critical issue.
  • Donna Kensa
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:26:54 -0500
  • Tamara Upham
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:24:28 -0500
  • Sheryl Childs
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-11-06 16:23:06 -0500
    November 6 DAY OF ACTION. Make the call to AG Schuette. Shut Down Line 5! Please join me in making the phone call!
  • Sheryl Childs
    @StraitsAreaView tweeted link to this page. 2017-11-06 16:23:03 -0500
    November 6 DAY OF ACTION. Make the call to AG Schuette. Shut Down Line 5! Please join me in making the phone call! http://www.oilandwaterdontmix.org/call_schuette_to_revoke_easement?recruiter_id=8264
  • Sheryl Childs
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:22:08 -0500
  • Robert Wasserman
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:21:36 -0500
  • Rachel Havrelock
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:20:38 -0500
  • Karen Wachs
    @haleesbluelace tweeted link to this page. 2017-11-06 16:20:29 -0500
    November 6 DAY OF ACTION. Make the call to AG Schuette. Shut Down Line 5! Please join me in making the phone call! http://www.oilandwaterdontmix.org/call_schuette_to_revoke_easement?recruiter_id=5837
  • Karen Wachs
    endorsed 2017-11-06 16:20:02 -0500
    I just called to voice my concern and ask Schuette to shutdown Line 5. Unfortunately, I felt like the young woman who answered the phone did not care about my call and was barely interested in taking my name or my opinion.

You can help now.

Join those working to protect the Great Lakes & climate from the Enbridge Line 5 crude oil pipeline.

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