UPDATE: Tuesday, December 11, 12:15 PM - Here are the results of the House vote for SB 1197 (74-34). Big money and greed win today. But the fight continues. Leaving a pipeline in the Great Lakes for 10 or more years is not an option. Not on our watch. Thanks for all that called and emailed Representatives.


House Vote SB 1197

Call these Michigan Representatives ASAP and then report your call below.

Rep. Lee Chatfield: (517) 373-2629
Rep. Sara Cambensy: (517) 373-0498
Rep. Scott Dianda: (517) 373-0850
Rep. Peter Lucido: (517) 373-0843
Rep. Brandt Iden: (517) 373-1774
Rep. Daniela Garcia: (517) 373-0830
Rep. Mike McCready: (517) 373-8670
Rep. Sue Allor: (517) 373-0833
Rep. Larry Inman: (517) 373-1766
Rep. David Maturen: (517) 373-1787
Rep. Chris Afendoulis: (517) 373-0218
Rep. Julie Calley: (517) 373-0842
Rep. Kathy Crawford: (517) 373-0827
Rep. Jason Sheppard: (517) 373-2617
Rep. Jim Lilly: (517) 373-0838
Rep. Scott VanSingel: (517) 373-7317
Rep. Dave Pagel: (517) 373-1796
Rep. Brett Roberts: (517) 373-1775

Proposed Talking Points

State your name and where you live.

Please vote no on SB 1197, the bill authorizing an oil tunnel in the Straits of Mackinac. My specific concerns include:

  • The current Line 5 pipeline must be shut down as soon as possible. SB 1197 would allow the existing Line 5 pipeline to remain in the open waters of the Great Lakes for at least another decade.
  • Any tunnel should be taxed as private property. This bill would designate the utility tunnel as public property, which risks removing from the tax rolls the over $500,000 of private investment for a private corporation.
  • No state funds for the tunnel. This tunnel proposal serves primarily a private purpose, the State of Michigan should not spend our tax dollars to help a private company build, maintain, permit, or litigate this proposed tunnel.

Remember to thank them for their time!


255 Calls
250 Calls

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Showing 163 reactions

  • Marie Grove
    endorsed 2018-12-11 11:42:14 -0500
  • Iris Potter
    endorsed 2018-12-11 11:32:08 -0500
    944. Lucido’s staff seemed to indicate that Lucido could vote no in that he said that the Line should not have been put in there in the first place and that he has been getting lots of calls. Then, made 9 other calls with lots of emails left.
  • Kaitlan Ware
    endorsed 2018-12-11 11:19:30 -0500
    Called all 19 reps listed. Rep Pagel’s voicemail was full. Left either a voicemail or message with staff for the other 18. Rep Lucido’s office mentioned they were fielding many calls to vote no on SB 1197.
  • Susan Fitzgerald
    endorsed 2018-12-11 11:16:49 -0500
    I called and left my message with each of the first 10 Representatives on the list. No time to finish. Hope this little bit was helpful.
  • Mark Wygent
    endorsed 2018-12-11 11:13:30 -0500
    I phoned the first 9 (nine) representatives on the list. When I reached the ninth, Rep. Larry Inman, I was advised by someone on his staff that I should call my home district’s representative, as Rep. Inman had no obligation to observe or note the concerns of any constituency apart from his own. Wow. Is it any wonder that so many people across this country have become discouraged from active participation in the affairs of state, when such is the response from a fellow Michigander? Apparently, it is as though we lived in separate geographical bubbles, isolated from far-ranging concerns or the future of our state considered as a whole. Ashamedly, my generation was fond intoning the rather flippant, nonchalant, unenlightened slogan, “Tune in. Turn on. Drop out.” To what a sorry pass we have come as a nation and a people.
  • Ann Gallmeyer
    endorsed 2018-12-11 11:11:59 -0500
  • Sue Kelly
    endorsed 2018-12-11 11:06:24 -0500
    I left messages on the vast majority of office lines. Lucido’s office said they were getting a lot of calls. Maturen’s office was a little testy. Lilly’s mailbox was full. I also emailed them all last night. And called all of them when it first came up.
  • Royetta Doe
    endorsed 2018-12-11 10:57:03 -0500
  • Carol Polverini
    endorsed 2018-12-11 10:54:58 -0500
  • Lisa Marshall Bashert
    @wombbat tweeted link to this page. 2018-12-11 10:43:05 -0500
    Make a huge difference and call or email this list of Michigan Representatives about voting NO on SB 1197. https://www.oilandwaterdontmix.org/contact_these_reps_about_sb_1197?recruiter_id=32014
  • Lisa Bashert
    endorsed 2018-12-11 10:42:47 -0500
    Called all of the representatives. Mostly got the phone message system which is extremely on responsive to iPhones! I also talked to about eight staffers who were very polite and promised to pass on the message.
  • Cheryl D
    endorsed 2018-12-11 10:40:32 -0500
    I called Inman’s office and requested to vote NO on tunnel for pipeline 5 because it will take ten years to build and too much financial and environmental risk of the public and citizens of Michigan. And also, vote no because line 5 mainly benefits a foreign, private corporation, and not the state of michigan, too much risk!
  • Nancy Uschold
    endorsed 2018-12-11 10:35:46 -0500
  • Mike Ripley
    endorsed 2018-12-11 10:29:58 -0500
    I called all 19 Representatives and asked them to vote No.
  • Doug Kimble
    endorsed 2018-12-11 10:29:43 -0500
  • Linda Hammond
    endorsed 2018-12-11 10:25:37 -0500
    I called my rep. Lee Chatfield and left a message…
  • Annette Kulek
    endorsed 2018-12-11 10:18:49 -0500
    I spoke with three people, left messages for the rest of the Representatives. Called everyone on list
  • Jean Gramlich
    endorsed 2018-12-11 10:13:50 -0500
    Everybody’s either hiding or deluged with calls!
  • William Northway
    endorsed 2018-12-11 10:13:08 -0500
    I called Inman whose office said he was voting against.

    I called Vanderwall whose employee, Tony, said he was waiting to hear how his constituents feel. I begged him to vote no. Forget that it could fail; it represents a security target: it wouldn’t be hard to sabotage even a pipeline, causing terrible peril to the straits.

    Thanks for your involvement
  • Cynthia Kamp
    endorsed 2018-12-11 10:12:40 -0500
    I reached staff members in these offices: Rep. Cambensy, Chatfield, Lucido, Inman, and Maturen.

    Amanda in Rep. Inman’s office said he currently plans to oppose it due to concerns about oil leaking into the Great Lakes. The other staff members didn’t know how their rep planned to vote. I left detailed VM messages at all other offices, and sent an email to 10 friends asking them to call 5 offices listed above.
  • Michael King
    endorsed 2018-12-11 10:11:00 -0500
  • Rayford Ray
    endorsed 2018-12-11 10:09:59 -0500
    I have called each of the Reps listed on the call list. Thank You. Bishop Rayford Ray, Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan
  • Marjorie Marks
    endorsed 2018-12-11 10:07:53 -0500
    I called 10 before 10:00 am. Spoke with Chatfield’s aide; left messages with others.
  • Janis Rygwelski
    endorsed 2018-12-11 10:03:44 -0500
    Of the 19 representatives I called, I got a busy signal with 5, left a message with a live person for 3, and left voicemails for the remaining 11 representatives.
  • James Rucker
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:58:41 -0500
    I called several representatives and only one picked up. But, I did leave messages.
  • Diana Quinn
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:56:33 -0500
  • Mchelle Greko
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:55:14 -0500
  • Mary Herr
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:54:27 -0500
  • Rita Mitchell
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:52:35 -0500
    Called 3 Reps: Elder, Roberts and Crawford.
  • Sandra Miko
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:46:53 -0500
    Called 4 Reps, will continue. Each office stated they will inform the rep and have added my name to the list.

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