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Help us by are calling on our state leaders to enforce the easement granted to Enbridge for their Line 5 oil pipelines to be allowed to operate in the Straits of Mackinac.

Take action to protect the Great Lakes from a disastrous oil spill.

Michigan Governor Snyder and Attorney General Schuette:

As you know, the Canadian pipeline company Enbridge pumps almost 23 million gallons of oil every day through its Line 5 pipeline, from Superior, Wisconsin to Sarnia, Ontario.

Enbridge is currently operating in violation of the 1953 easement agreement with the State of Michigan to operate Line 5 in the Straits of Mackinac. Turbulent currents and winter conditions make the Straits the worst possible location for a spill. Required supports for Line 5 have washed out for the second time in two years. Independent experts have identified at least seven state and federal violations of this legal agreement with the state.

Since 1988, this 64-year-old pipeline has failed at least fifteen times, dumping about 260,000 gallons of oil on land and in marshes. This pipeline crosses along the bottom of the Great Lakes at the Straits of Mackinac, and through many sensitive inland lakes, rivers, and wetlands.

This pipeline poses an unacceptable risk to our water, ecosystems, health, and economy.

I urge you to act as legal public trustees of our waters and bottomlands to enforce the 1953 Easement and immediately shut down Line 5 in the Straits of Mackinac to protect the Great Lakes from a catastrophic oil spill. 

Help Reach the Next Goal: 15,000 signatures

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Showing 8251 reactions

  • Linda Howard
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-11-20 09:10:18 -0500
    Join me and sign the petition to shut down the flow of oil in #Line 5. Michigan must act now to protect the Great Lakes
  • Linda Howard
    signed 2017-11-20 09:09:27 -0500
  • Stacy Haggard
    signed 2017-11-20 09:08:24 -0500
    Stacy Haggard
  • Leslie Sutliff
    signed 2017-11-20 09:08:05 -0500
  • Linda Prostko
    signed 2017-11-20 09:01:44 -0500
    Linda Prostko
  • Marilyn Alimpich
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-11-20 09:00:24 -0500
    Join me and sign the petition to shut down the flow of oil in #Line 5. Michigan must act now to protect the Great Lakes
  • Marilyn Alimpich
    signed 2017-11-20 09:00:06 -0500
  • Kate Laramie
    signed 2017-11-20 08:51:36 -0500
    The consequences of an oil spill in the Great Lakes would be catastrophic ecologically, and the impact would be felt by everyone who drinks freshwater from the Great Lakes, participates in the lakes’ billion dollar fishery and pays into the tourism industry every year in Michigan. Cleanup would take decades, and the watershed likely would never be the same again. No pipeline is worth this risk.
  • gloria hahn
    signed 2017-11-20 08:51:16 -0500
  • Nathan Poirier
    signed 2017-11-20 08:48:04 -0500
    Nathan Poirier
  • Drew Bartosik
    signed 2017-11-20 08:37:25 -0500
    Drew Bartosik
  • David Strand
    signed 2017-11-20 08:37:07 -0500
    Please don’t allow anyone to damage the Great lakes. Your responsibility is to the citizens.
  • Larry Jacobs
    signed 2017-11-20 08:10:10 -0500
  • Carol Ward
    signed 2017-11-20 08:08:34 -0500
    The attorney general is committing a crime by continuing to let Enbridge violate the easement agreement.
  • Gary Turner
    signed 2017-11-20 08:08:07 -0500
    The public demanded keystone pipeline to be shut-down because of environmental risk, this brand new state of the art pipeline already had one of the largest inland oil spills in the US, it is time to listen to the will of the people over the will of a multi-national oil corporation and revoke the easement for line 5, decomission, and put forth a ban on any new pipelines in or around the precious great lakes!
  • Brianna Gunka
    signed 2017-11-20 08:07:44 -0500
  • Suzan Vrba
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-11-20 08:00:37 -0500
    Join me and sign the petition to shut down the flow of oil in #Line 5. Michigan must act now to protect the Great Lakes
  • Susan Potter
    signed 2017-11-20 07:51:25 -0500
  • Priscilla Massie
    signed 2017-11-20 07:51:21 -0500
    Priscilla Massie
  • Janis Rygwelski
    signed 2017-11-20 07:31:14 -0500
  • Kat Mertens
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-11-20 07:30:44 -0500
    Join me and sign the petition to shut down the flow of oil in #Line 5. Michigan must act now to protect the Great Lakes
  • Kat Mertens
    @KatKatmertens12 tweeted link to this page. 2017-11-20 07:30:42 -0500
    Join me and sign the petition to shut down the flow of oil in #Line 5. Michigan must act now to protect the Great Lakes http://www.oilandwaterdontmix.org/enforce_the_easement?recruiter_id=53434
  • Kathy Mertens
    signed 2017-11-20 07:29:55 -0500
    Kathy Mertens
  • Diana Wright
    signed 2017-11-20 07:13:03 -0500
    Protecting the Great Lakes is of utmost importance to me.
  • Kathleen Truesdell
    signed 2017-11-20 07:12:35 -0500
    The oil spill near Kalamazoo, was bad enough, but a spill under the Straits of Mackinac would be disastrous, and would destroy our Great Lakes, and Michigan’s entire economy. Line 5 needs to be shut down NOW, and never be re-opened. Anything less would be unconscionable.
  • Carrie Day
    signed via 2017-11-20 07:08:08 -0500
  • Virginia Brinker
    signed 2017-11-20 06:58:13 -0500
    Water is the new gold and Michigan is rich with it. Line 5 has endangered our fresh water and it can only get worse. Flint was lesson enough.

    Time to act. virginia brinker
  • R. Leslie Briggs
    signed 2017-11-20 05:47:09 -0500
  • Chanelle Tahu
    signed via 2017-11-20 04:48:09 -0500
  • Kirk Bails
    signed 2017-11-20 04:43:00 -0500
    Kirk Bails

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