RSVP25 people are attending
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
7:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m. EDT
County Administration Building
201 W Kalamazoo Ave
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
United States
Kalamazoo County Board Commissioner Quinn will reintroduce the Resolution to SHUT DOWN Line 5. The vote on the resolution is supposed to happen at this meeting as well.
You can help get the resolution passed by -
1. Attending the May 16 meeting to show support for the resolution. Let's make it Standing Room Only!
2. If you can't attend the meeting please email, call or write to Commissioners. When contacting the Commissioners, be positive, respectful and include information that shows why Line 5 needs to be SHUT DOWN.
3. If you have connections to media outlets please try to get them involved.
4. Share this information with family and friends.
With your help, this resolution will be passed!