MACKINAW CITY: Great Lakes advocates and members of Oil & Water Don’t Mix gathered in Mackinaw City today to urge Attorney General Bill Schuette to keep his word when he said the Line 5 Pipeline’s days were numbered 686 days ago.
Members called on Schuette and Gov. Rick Snyder to attend the upcoming Pipeline Safety Advisory Board Meeting in Petoskey on June 12 to hear Michigan families’ concerns over the safety of the pipeline. “It has been nearly two years since Attorney General Bill Schuette publically stated Line 5’s days were numbered, and we shouldn’t have to wait any longer for him to take action against this massive threat to our Great Lakes,” said David Holtz, Oil & Water Don’t Mix campaign coordinator. “Bill Schuette and Rick Snyder need to come to Petoskey to hear firsthand from Michigan families about their concerns regarding this disaster waiting to happen.”
“It has been nearly two years since Attorney General Bill Schuette publically stated Line 5’s days were numbered, and we shouldn’t have to wait any longer for him to take action against this massive threat to our Great Lakes,” said David Holtz, Oil & Water Don’t Mix campaign coordinator. “Bill Schuette and Rick Snyder need to come to Petoskey to hear firsthand from Michigan families about their concerns regarding this disaster waiting to happen.”
“Attorney General Bill Schuette has an obligation to the people of Michigan to put an end to this threat before the aging Line 5 Pipeline creates an ecological and economic catastrophe.” - Sean McBrearty of Clean Water Action
The Michigan Pipeline Safety Advisory Board meeting will take place at Petoskey Middle School, 801 Northmen Dr., and begin with public comment at 9:00 a.m. This is the last meeting the Board will have before releasing two studies on risks of the Line 5 Pipeline later in June.
“An oil spill from the massive Line 5 Pipeline would be devastating for the Great Lakes, wildlife, local communities and local tourism,” said Shawn McBrearty, of Clean Water Action. “Attorney General Bill Schuette has an obligation to the people of Michigan to put an end to this threat before the aging Line 5 Pipeline creates an ecological and economic catastrophe.”
“A spill in the Straits of Mackinac would completely upend our livelihood and our Northern Michigan way of life, “ said Joanne Cromley, A Cheboygan resident who participated in today’s Oil & Water Don’t Mix event in Mackinaw City. "Bill Schuette needs to keep his word, shut down Line 5 and protect our beautiful Great Lakes and natural treasures before it’s too late.”
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