Don't allow Enbridge to keep pumping oil through the Great Lakes and forever risk this little girl's ability to thrive in Michigan.

Attorney General Dan Nessel will bring legal action against Enbridge Line 5 on Thursday, but word is that Gov. Whitmer is not supporting this action.

Send a message to Gov. Whitmer: Either protect the profits of a Canadian oil pipeline company or the health of all Michiganders.


Make the Call & Report It Below

Call Gov. Whitmer: 517-373-3400

Use the following TALKING POINTS to help develop your message:

  • As Governor of Michigan, it is your job to protect the Great Lakes from a massive Line 5 oil spill. You ought to be leading on this issue instead of relying solely on the Attorney General.
  • Please stand up for the Great Lakes by revoking Enbridge’s easement to operate in the Straits of Mackinac and moving forward with decommissioning the Line 5 pipeline immediately.
  • The people of Michigan elected you to protect our Great Lakes, and we’re with you on this. Please don't give in to pressure from a foreign oil company and their allies who want to continue profiteering from the exploitation of our natural resources. The threats to the Great Lakes and climate posed by this pipeline are simply too great to accept.

Then REPORT YOUR CALL by adding your name here!


106 calls
Goal: 125 calls

Did you make the call?

Showing 111 reactions

  • Elizabeth Wagner
    endorsed 2019-06-13 12:51:11 -0400
    Had no trouble leaving a message for Gov Whitmer. However when I called AG Nessel’s office they acted like it was very odd I wanted to leave a message, transferred me a couple times and then eventually gave me an email address. Which I sent a message too.
  • Jacqueline Rowe
    endorsed 2019-06-13 12:32:33 -0400
  • Bruce Barber
    endorsed 2019-06-13 12:22:38 -0400
  • Mary Finnegan
    endorsed 2019-06-13 12:14:48 -0400
    I too spoke with live staff members to express my support of their stand revoke Enbridge’s Line 5 proposal and protect our beautiful Great Lakes. Katherine Finnegan
  • Lisa Bashert
    endorsed 2019-06-13 11:58:11 -0400
    Called Gov. Whitmer & AG Nessel and offered praise and hope that they will decommission Line 5 ASAP, this year!!!
  • Charlie Weaver
    endorsed 2019-06-13 11:29:57 -0400
  • Gareth d'Haillecourt
    endorsed 2019-06-13 10:34:08 -0400
  • Michael Mcdonald
    endorsed 2019-06-13 10:27:22 -0400
  • Lorraine Coburn
    endorsed 2019-06-13 10:22:27 -0400
  • Judith Kaye DeRycke
    endorsed 2019-06-13 10:14:58 -0400
  • Janice Scott
    endorsed 2019-06-13 10:13:58 -0400
  • Pamela Kirkham
    endorsed 2019-06-13 09:08:04 -0400
    I called both of them and talked with an actual human…so refreshing!
  • Jane Packard
    endorsed 2019-06-13 08:01:49 -0400
  • Ron Kardos
    endorsed 2019-06-13 07:32:56 -0400
    I left a recorded message with the governor but no one answered (nor was I sent to voice mail) at the AG number.
  • Renee Powers
    endorsed 2019-06-13 07:14:01 -0400
    Expressed My Thank You & concerns to A nice Lady who answered my call .
  • Art Hanson
    endorsed 2019-06-13 01:56:32 -0400
    I web posted Gov. Whitmer and emailed AG Nessel:

    Thank you for standing up for the Great Lakes and Michigan residents by opposing Enbridge Energy’s short-sighted scheme to build an oil tunnel under the Straits of Mackinac.

    I strongly urge you to continue to stand up for the Great Lakes by revoking Enbridge’s easement to operate in the Straits of Mackinac and moving forward with decommissioning the Line 5 pipeline as quickly as possible.

    The people of Michigan elected you to protect our Great Lakes and we are with you on this. Thank you and I strongly urge you to continue working to decommission Line 5. The threats to the Great Lakes and climate posed by this pipeline are simply TOO GREAT to accept.
  • Jeffery Chase
    endorsed 2019-06-12 21:12:16 -0400
  • Darlene Durham
    endorsed 2019-06-12 19:03:09 -0400
  • Patricia Mccleery
    endorsed 2019-06-12 18:48:09 -0400
    Called the gov.
  • Kyle Vanderzee
    endorsed 2019-06-12 18:00:24 -0400
    I called the governor! Will try the AG soon.
  • Cara Spindler
    endorsed 2019-06-12 17:22:08 -0400
  • Mary Robbins
    endorsed 2019-06-12 17:21:33 -0400
    I emailed both of them
  • Ginger Valentine
    endorsed 2019-06-12 17:07:39 -0400
  • Harriet Booth
    endorsed 2019-06-12 17:02:36 -0400
  • Andrew Przekop
    endorsed 2019-06-12 17:01:15 -0400
    Thank you so much Gov. Whitmer and AG Nessel. I am so proud of both of you for your courage and hard work in your attempts to save our waters and our health.
  • Flaming Dragon
    @SylviaMcCullo17 tweeted link to this page. 2019-06-12 16:56:21 -0400
    Join me in thanking Gov. Whitmer and AG Nessel for standing up to Enbridge during this critical time to #ShutDownLine5 #StayStrongGov
  • Sylvia McCullough
    endorsed 2019-06-12 16:55:40 -0400
    Yes, I called both of them! Made the staffers happy anyway!
  • James Rucker
    endorsed 2019-06-12 16:35:05 -0400
    I left a message with the governor and relayed the message to our attorney general. Thanks for advocating and keeping me in the loop.
  • Emilee Evans
    endorsed 2019-06-12 16:24:15 -0400
    Left a voicemail. Great feeling to finally be leaving semi-good comments!
  • D A Hughes
    endorsed 2019-06-12 16:23:58 -0400
    I called The Governor’s office and said (as a retired teacher) that I was opposed to Line 5 in any form.. The office took my personal info to pass on. I stated there was no greater security issue (Fed and State) than our fresh water and that NO deal whatsoever was of utmost importance for Michigan and the US. The deal struck by former Gov. Granholm with Nestle was a horrific example and stupid for Michigan.

You can help now.

Join those working to protect the Great Lakes & climate from the Enbridge Line 5 crude oil pipeline.

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