Don't allow Enbridge to keep pumping oil through the Great Lakes and forever risk this little girl's ability to thrive in Michigan.

Attorney General Dan Nessel will bring legal action against Enbridge Line 5 on Thursday, but word is that Gov. Whitmer is not supporting this action.

Send a message to Gov. Whitmer: Either protect the profits of a Canadian oil pipeline company or the health of all Michiganders.


Make the Call & Report It Below

Call Gov. Whitmer: 517-373-3400

Use the following TALKING POINTS to help develop your message:

  • As Governor of Michigan, it is your job to protect the Great Lakes from a massive Line 5 oil spill. You ought to be leading on this issue instead of relying solely on the Attorney General.
  • Please stand up for the Great Lakes by revoking Enbridge’s easement to operate in the Straits of Mackinac and moving forward with decommissioning the Line 5 pipeline immediately.
  • The people of Michigan elected you to protect our Great Lakes, and we’re with you on this. Please don't give in to pressure from a foreign oil company and their allies who want to continue profiteering from the exploitation of our natural resources. The threats to the Great Lakes and climate posed by this pipeline are simply too great to accept.

Then REPORT YOUR CALL by adding your name here!


106 calls
Goal: 125 calls

Did you make the call?

Showing 111 reactions

  • Donald A Price
    endorsed 2019-06-12 16:23:55 -0400
    Called both officials.
  • Corinne Cochran
    endorsed 2019-06-12 16:21:57 -0400
  • Mary Pelton Cooper
    endorsed 2019-06-12 16:21:29 -0400
  • Amy Sung
    endorsed 2019-06-12 16:08:26 -0400
  • Lou Ann Mckimmy
    endorsed 2019-06-12 16:01:18 -0400
    I did make the calls.
  • Sondra Loucks Wilson
    endorsed 2019-06-12 15:56:38 -0400
  • Nancy Simon
    endorsed 2019-06-12 15:54:37 -0400
  • Andrea Scott
    endorsed 2019-06-12 15:46:25 -0400
    I talked to a live staff member in each office. Whitmer’s aid seemed especially appreciative.
  • Samantha Thomas
    endorsed via 2019-06-12 15:41:37 -0400
  • Elaine Brazin
    endorsed 2019-06-12 15:38:46 -0400
  • Leslie Hamp
    endorsed 2019-06-12 15:34:39 -0400
    called both
  • charlene fountain
    endorsed 2019-06-12 15:34:13 -0400
    I am a volunteer with Center for Change working with Clean Water Action.
  • Mary Wilson
    endorsed 2019-06-12 15:29:07 -0400
  • Margaret Erlewine
    endorsed 2019-06-12 15:14:16 -0400
  • Linda Jan
    endorsed 2019-06-12 14:56:53 -0400
  • William Palmer
    endorsed 2019-06-12 14:54:55 -0400
  • Linda Pletcher
    endorsed 2019-06-12 14:54:45 -0400
    I called both Whitmer and Nessel
  • Kurt Luttermoser
    endorsed 2019-06-12 14:54:05 -0400
  • Bill Ryan
    endorsed 2019-06-12 14:53:27 -0400
    I called both, and expressed support for their efforts in this matter.

    I spoke with a real person in each office, no voice mail.
  • Annette Frank
    endorsed 2019-06-12 14:52:41 -0400
    I voted for both these women because they were committed to protecting the Great Lakes and called both to thank them for doing just that.
  • Roddy Wares
    endorsed 2019-06-12 14:51:08 -0400
    called both
  • Carol Reed
    endorsed 2019-06-12 14:48:43 -0400
  • Margaret Mann-devos
    endorsed 2019-06-12 14:45:49 -0400
  • Maryann Borden
    endorsed 2019-06-12 14:27:25 -0400
    Maryann Borden

    called both
  • Frank Roder
    endorsed 2019-06-12 14:25:38 -0400
    Gov. Whitmer and AG Nessel were both called and a message of thanks for their efforts in opposing the Enbridge oil tunnel and the Live 5 pipeline.
  • Paul Borucki
    endorsed 2019-06-12 14:21:00 -0400
  • Mark Wygent
    endorsed 2019-06-12 14:19:55 -0400
    I phoned the Governor’s Office, and had the opportunity to express my gratitude to a courteous member of her staff for her courageous stance regarding the (eventual) decommissioning of Enbridge’s Oil Line #5. Let’s hope that the legal challenges are surmounted, and that our precious resource is preserved safely and indefinitely. Bravo, Gov. Whitmer.
  • Matt Stolle
    endorsed 2019-06-12 14:15:05 -0400
    called both
  • James Szalay
    endorsed 2019-06-12 14:14:27 -0400
    Pleased with the actions of the Governor and AG regarding Enbridge. I have long feared there will be a break which will affect Michigan for years.
  • Bert Courson
    endorsed 2019-06-12 14:12:16 -0400

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