Missing Coating Line 5The Canadian oil transport company, Enbridge, knew that the coating on their Line 5 pipeline has been damaged for at least three years. But time and time again, they have lied by telling us and the State of Michigan that their pipeline that runs through the heart of the Great Lakes is in "like new condition." 

Stop the Lies - Shut down Line 5

The State says they are frustrated by the Enbridge lies. But that is not enough. Attorney General Bill Schuette has the authority - today - to shut down the pipeline. It's not enough to be frustrated. Now is the time for him to act.

Monday, November 6 is a day of action. Make a phone call to AG Schuette and report your call below. It's time for all of us to demand that he revoke Enbridge's easement to use the Great Lakes and begin the process of decommissioning Line 5 now.

Will You Make the Call?

Call AG Schuette's office: 517-373-1110

Use the following TALKING POINTS to help develop your message:

  • Enbridge has repeatedly been caught with a failing, incurable Line 5 which it can no longer fix, and is covering it up. Last week they admitted they knew about missing protective coating in 2014 and didn't tell the state until this year.
  • It's a double standard to give this company chance after chance to comply with the law when the average citizen doesn't get such breaks.
  • The Attorney General has the authority and mandate to revoke the easement under which Enbridge is operating -- the public owns the waters and Enbridge is a guest. It’s up to Enbridge to prove it can operate It's time for the Attorney General to act.

Then REPORT YOUR CALL by adding your name here!


454 calls
500 calls

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Showing 488 reactions

  • Gary Rigby
    endorsed 2017-11-06 10:20:35 -0500
  • Denise Hartsough
    endorsed 2017-11-06 10:18:29 -0500
    Thank you for your efforts on behalf of Michigan residents, the environment and our economy!
  • Mark Halsted
    endorsed 2017-11-06 10:17:53 -0500
    I mentioned that I own shoreline property on Lake Huron close to the Straits of Mackinac which I use for both business and recreation for several months per year, and which could be tragically damaged in the event of a Line 5 spill, and encouraged the AG to take action to protect it.
  • Janis Rygwelski
    endorsed 2017-11-06 10:17:07 -0500
  • Rebecca Mandrell
    endorsed 2017-11-06 10:16:15 -0500
    The line was busy for about 5 minutes then a woman answered, I was placed on hold a short time and she then she listened to my concerns.
  • Michaeline Barnhart
    endorsed 2017-11-06 10:13:57 -0500
  • Jamie Leask
    endorsed 2017-11-06 10:13:15 -0500
    Shut down pipeline 5 NOW.
  • Betsie Walen
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-11-06 10:08:46 -0500
    November 6 DAY OF ACTION. Make the call to AG Schuette. Shut Down Line 5! Please join me in making the phone call!
  • Paul Szurpicki
    endorsed 2017-11-06 10:08:24 -0500
    There’s nothing else on the planet quite like the Great Lakes basin – it deserves extraordinary protections and stewardship.
  • Elizabeth Walen
    endorsed 2017-11-06 10:08:16 -0500
    Call.cannot go thru! 10:08 am.

    Lots of calls!!
  • Hartland Smith
    endorsed 2017-11-06 10:08:04 -0500
    I saw that line pulled across the Straits 64 years ago. It is time that it is shut down before it fails due to the aging process.
  • Gretchen Iorio
    endorsed 2017-11-06 10:07:51 -0500
    I told the office I would never consider voting for Schutte for Gov., if he doesn’t shut down Line 5
  • Man Elder
    endorsed 2017-11-06 10:07:17 -0500
    Line busy. Line busy. Ill keep on tryong
  • Xantha Karp
    endorsed 2017-11-06 10:05:02 -0500
  • Mike Bright
    endorsed 2017-11-06 10:03:35 -0500
  • Karen Comella
    endorsed 2017-11-06 10:01:53 -0500
    Was put on hold 5 times in 1 minute because so many calls were coming in. Had no time to really express myself in detail but the person heard me…I guess
  • Lynn Bekkala
    endorsed 2017-11-06 10:01:26 -0500
  • William Rittenberg
    endorsed 2017-11-06 10:00:44 -0500
  • Barb Harbaugh
    endorsed 2017-11-06 09:58:49 -0500
  • Mikann Thompson
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-11-06 09:57:40 -0500
    November 6 DAY OF ACTION. Make the call to AG Schuette. Shut Down Line 5! Please join me in making the phone call!
  • Helen Donahue
    endorsed 2017-11-06 09:57:27 -0500
  • Mikann Thompson
    endorsed 2017-11-06 09:57:16 -0500
  • Bob Eichenlaub
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-11-06 09:55:48 -0500
    November 6 DAY OF ACTION. Make the call to AG Schuette. Shut Down Line 5! Please join me in making the phone call!
  • Steven Blair Kopacki
    endorsed 2017-11-06 09:55:41 -0500
    Remember Attorney General, the public owns the waters and you promised us 4 years ago to shut down Line 5 if you found that Enbridge was repeatedly being caught with a failing, incurable Line 5 which it can no longer fix, and is covering it up. If you want to win your next election now is the time to show us that you will work for the residents of our beautiful State of Michigan. Unfortunately the person answering your phone today was very rude and needs to be more respectful when taking calls from us residents and tax payers. Remember we pay your wages.
  • David Nino
    endorsed 2017-11-06 09:55:20 -0500
  • Renee Hamilton
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-11-06 09:55:12 -0500
    November 6 DAY OF ACTION. Make the call to AG Schuette. Shut Down Line 5! Please join me in making the phone call!
  • Bob Eichenlaub
    endorsed 2017-11-06 09:54:42 -0500
  • Christine Harvey
    endorsed 2017-11-06 09:54:29 -0500
  • Renee Hamilton
    endorsed 2017-11-06 09:54:16 -0500
    SHUIT IT DOWN!!!!!
  • Polly Murray
    endorsed 2017-11-06 09:54:13 -0500
    I called and spoke to a person and left my message to revoke Enbridge’s easement to use the Great Lakes.

You can help now.

Join those working to protect the Great Lakes & climate from the Enbridge Line 5 crude oil pipeline.

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