READ THE TROUBLING FACTS surrounding the Synder-Enbridge oil tunnel deal.

Enbridge and Michigan's Governor made a backroom deal to explore build a tunnel in the Straits of Mackinac that would keep Canadian oil flowing through the Great Lakes for at least 7 to 10 more years, if not forever. The deal would also put the Mackinac Bridge Authority and Michigan taxpayers at financial risk.

We have questions. You probably do too.

On November 8 in St. Ignace, Enbridge will pitch its tunnel proposal to members of the bridge authority for the first time. Gov. Snyder wants the bridge authority to own Enbridge’s tunnel, marking the first time since the authority was created in 1950 that its sole mission of maintaining and operating the Mighty Mac would be compromised.

Let the Mackinac Bridge Authority know your thoughts about this proposed tunnel for Canadian oil

Bridge authority members are inviting questions from the public, which is great. The bridge authority was not asked in advance by the Snyder administration to be part of this mess, so we encourage you to respectfully email authority Secretary Bob Sweeney with your questions. 

Click to compose an email to Bob Sweeney or copy his address: [email protected]

Here are some questions you may choose to ask the bridge authority (feel free to copy & paste):

Why should the bridge authority own the risky tunnel and be saddled with Enbridge through a 99-year lease, especially given Enbridge’s horrible track record in Michigan?

Why should the bridge authority assume financial risk in the event of a tunnel collapse and pipeline rupture for a private Canadian oil company when most of the oil in Enbridge’s Line 5 is for Canada’s use?

The agreement between Enbridge and Gov. Snyder would only provide $1.88 billion in financial pledges from Enbridge in the case of major damages when economists estimate the cost of a worst-case spill could reach $6.3 billion. Why should the bridge authority potentially put the financial health of the Mackinac Bridge at risk by taking responsibility for Enbridge’s oil tunnel?

Why is the administration considering bypassing a thorough environmental review of the Snyder-Enbridge oil tunnel under the Great Lakes Submerged Lands Act instead of looking at better alternatives which include decommissioning Line 5 now?

Once you send your email let us know by reporting it below. We also invite you to attend the November 8th meeting where Enbridge will present their oil tunnel plan to the Mackinac Bridge Authority. RSVP Here.


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Showing 277 reactions

  • Ilene Kazak
    endorsed 2018-12-06 21:31:13 -0500
  • Maria Donner
    endorsed 2018-11-10 17:09:03 -0500
    This is an irreversible mistake… there is no way that tunnels and pipelines don’t endanger our Great Lakes with the domino effect for drinking water, fishing, tourism, connecting rivers and tributaries…..wrong on so many levels…violates treaty with indigenous populations. It also circumvents our democratic process with the new administration being elected in part because of this very issue and the will of Michigan residents to protect our most precious treasure.
  • Jim Lange
    endorsed 2018-11-10 11:40:39 -0500
  • Patricia Lindsey
    endorsed 2018-11-10 07:47:36 -0500
    I’m not sure how you could do this to the people of Michigan. Its all about money. What about when this leaks like the 200,000 leaks we have going all over this country. Your already not trusted for the spills that continue to leak. Then here we are in Michigan about to destroy our waters. Its all just a matter of time. Don’t your have people you love that you care about what they are drinking. Your running out of clean spots to poison. Stay out of Michigan waters. There other options! Just stay out!
  • Lisa Marie
    @fallof91 tweeted link to this page. 2018-11-09 21:09:24 -0500
    Send an email to the Mackinac Bridge Authority before Gov. Snyder and Enbridge get their way to build a tunnel under the Great Lakes for Canadian oil.
  • Lisa Riedel
    endorsed 2018-11-09 21:08:25 -0500
  • Sondra Loucks Wilson
    endorsed 2018-11-08 12:55:18 -0500
  • charlene fountain
    endorsed 2018-11-08 07:30:46 -0500
  • Donna Boris
    endorsed 2018-11-04 00:11:37 -0400
  • Robert Kennedy
    endorsed 2018-10-31 09:37:36 -0400
  • Liam Schallhorn
    endorsed via 2018-10-30 14:21:56 -0400
    Why even add a an oil tunnel, it will only increase tax on the bridge and it is the world, so something likely will happen and not only will it take 10 years to build but the Mackinaw Bridge Authority purposely had to plan for this and undertake 200 million dollars and is putting wildlife and the bridge in danger of a 6.3 billion dollar cleanup if a oil spill takes place. Having a father who works on environmental work and hearing all his stories about oil spills is just dreadful thing to hear about and I would not want that for the straits of Mackinaw waters.
  • Sue Sweeney
    endorsed 2018-10-29 01:54:37 -0400
    Sent an email and shared the dates and addresses on Facebook
  • Timothy Shields
    endorsed 2018-10-28 15:44:09 -0400
  • Stephen C Brown
    endorsed 2018-10-27 14:28:52 -0400
    Mr. Sweeney:

    Please do whatever you can to prevent the Mackinac Bridge Authority from being forced to take responsibility for the Enbridge Tunnel project proposed by Gov. Snyder. Enbridge has a horrible track record in Michigan, and this exposes your organization to political pressures that will compromise your independence and authority, including packing the Authority with some patronage jobs by the outgoing Governor. Why should the bridge authority assume liability in the event of a tunnel collapse and pipeline rupture for a private Canadian oil company when most of the oil in Enbridge’s Line 5 is for Canada’s use? The agreement between Enbridge and Gov. Snyder would only provide $1.88 billion in financial pledges from Enbridge in the case of major damages when economists estimate the cost of a worst-case spill could reach $6.3 billion. Why should the bridge authority potentially put the financial health of the Mackinac Bridge at risk by taking responsibility for Enbridge’s oil tunnel? Enbridge will exploit the Authority’s powers of Eminent Domain, Bridge tolls, and Bonding for their own benefit, not that of the people of Michigan-trolls or youpers. Moreover, the administration is bypassing a thorough environmental review of the oil tunnel under the Great Lakes Submerged Lands Act instead of decommissioning Line 5 now?

    Please forward this message to the Board Members.
  • Joanne Kelley
    endorsed 2018-10-27 14:07:04 -0400
  • Julie Dye
    endorsed 2018-10-26 19:00:24 -0400
  • Diane Martin-brodak
    endorsed 2018-10-26 18:00:15 -0400
  • Tina Harvey
    endorsed 2018-10-26 16:59:11 -0400
  • Robin Hendricks
    Great Lakes Water Protectors endorsed 2018-10-26 16:37:19 -0400
    We need to protect the fresh waters of Lake Michigan and Lake Huron-our lives depend on it! Michigan doesn’t need a tunnel or a Pipeline transporting oil thru our Lakes. Stand on the right side of history-decommission line 5
  • Cristi Currie
    endorsed 2018-10-26 11:49:26 -0400
    In the past I was horrified to hear that radioactive waste was being shipped across the Great Lakes and now this oil tunnel raises its ugly head. When will it ever end?
  • Colleen Kaczmarek
    endorsed 2018-10-25 19:18:55 -0400
    NO TUNNEL! NO LINE 5! Our Great Lakes are too important to risk. Why do we need to say it? What is wrong with you people?
  • M.C. Douglass
    endorsed 2018-10-25 15:42:34 -0400
  • Arthur Koss
    endorsed 2018-10-24 20:52:32 -0400
  • James A. Stover
    endorsed 2018-10-24 20:38:27 -0400
    No tunnel, just save the Straights of Mackinaw, SHUT DOWN LINE FIVE.
  • Harvey Amoe Amoe
    endorsed 2018-10-24 18:17:04 -0400
    We definitely oppose the Mackinaw Bridge Authority having any responsibility for the proposed Enbridge tunnel under the Straits of Mackinaw. We also feel strongly that Pipe Line #5 should be closed now , before we destroy the largest source of fresh water in the world.
  • June Thaden
    endorsed 2018-10-24 16:13:21 -0400
  • Ted Myers
    endorsed 2018-10-24 13:26:49 -0400
  • Cheryl Sparks
    endorsed 2018-10-24 11:56:09 -0400
  • Susan l wheadon
    endorsed 2018-10-24 09:41:11 -0400
    Thank you for giving me this opportunity.
  • Karen Gould
    endorsed via 2018-10-23 22:49:12 -0400
    Why should the bridge authority own the risky tunnel and be saddled with Enbridge through a 99-year lease, especially given Enbridge’s horrible track record in Michigan?

    Why should the bridge authority assume financial risk in the event of a tunnel collapse and pipeline rupture for a private Canadian oil company when most of the oil in Enbridge’s Line 5 is for Canada’s use?

    The agreement between Enbridge and Gov. Snyder would only provide $1.88 billion in financial pledges from Enbridge in the case of major damages when economists estimate the cost of a worst-case spill could reach $6.3 billion. Why should the bridge authority potentially put the financial health of the Mackinac Bridge at risk by taking responsibility for Enbridge’s oil tunnel?

    Why is the administration considering bypassing a thorough environmental review of the Snyder-Enbridge oil tunnel under the Great Lakes Submerged Lands Act instead of looking at better alternatives which include decommissioning Line 5 now?

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