time-for-this-to-go.jpgEndless studies, backroom deals, and findings about the unconstitutionality of the tunnel law do not protect the Great Lakes from a Line 5 oil spill. A spill from a pipeline operated by a foreign corporation with a questionable track record would do irreparable harm to Michigan's citizens, tourism, and our blue economy.

Take Action Now and Endorse the Oil & Water Don't Mix Plan to Decommission Line 5

Help us make this stick! We need thousands of endorsements of this plan to show the powers that be that there is a way to take real action now to prevent disaster.

Make a difference now. Let's compel our current leaders to act with the knowledge that thousands support a plan that can actually work.

The Five Step Plan to Decommission Line 5

These are the highlights. Read the complete plan here.

  1. The Attorney General or Governor immediately files a legal action against Enbridge to enforce ongoing violations of the Easement Agreement pursuant to public trust law.
  2. Governor Whitmer directs the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) to examine alternatives for providing propane to the Upper Peninsula.
  3. Governor Whitmer directs the MPSC to examine alternatives for transport of light crude oil produced in northern Michigan to refining operations.
  4. MPSC moves forward with alternatives to meet Michigan’s needs.
  5. Line 5 is disassembled and removed from the Straits and state has a plan for the removal of the rest of Line 5.


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