The 5th anniversary of the Kalamazoo river oil spill is fast approaching. On July 25, 2010 Enbridge's Line 6B ruptured resulting in the largest inland oil spill ever in the United States history. This catastrophic spill proved to be devastating for local ecosystems and communities.
B. Wallace of SURF Great Lakes remembers
We pulled alongside the country road and got out of the car. The distinct smell of tar hit me like a ton of bricks – so strong that you could almost taste it.. We walked quickly in the light rain to the 15 mile bridge and immediately noticed a rainbow sheen shimmering across the entire length of the river – black stained leaves weeping from the trees and plants. It was much worse than I thought. We snapped a picture of the one lonely boom with oil on either side of it and I remember thinking (possibly saying) “what the hell is that good for!?”.
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