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Troubled Water Film Screening: Ann Arbor

120 people are attending


Saturday, January 27, 2024
7:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m. EST


State Theatre
233 S State St
Ann Arbor , MI 48104
United States


Julie Geisinger


Tickets are still available for the February 1 Grand Rapids screening.

Join the Oil & Water Don’t Mix campaign for the Southeast Michigan premiere of the much-anticipated adventure/conservation documentary Troubled Water.

Troubled Water chronicles a 36-day, 425-mile journey on standup paddleboards along the Great Lakes. The film is directed by Davis Huber and produced by William Wright and Chris Yahanda.

The idea was sparked by the three friends on their summer paddle trip down Michigan’s west coast. Chris received a text alert that a judge had temporarily shut down Line 5 after Canadian oil company Enbridge failed to abide by the State’s shutdown order. As the sun set over Lake Michigan, these lifelong friends couldn’t help but wonder, “How can any Michigander stomach the risk of an oil spill on this coastline?”

Inspired to do something, they created a film to shed light on the manmade impacts of Michigan's freshwater, including the Enbridge Line 5 pipeline, which carries nearly 23 million gallons of crude oil and natural gas liquids daily beneath the Straits of Mackinac.

Sean McBrearty, Oil & Water Don’t Mix Campaign Coordinator, said Troubled Water is a great way to bring public awareness to the risks associated with Line 5. "Everybody who wants to get involved - who cares about the Great Lakes and wants to protect them and make sure we don't have a crucial oil spill - has a role to play, whether it's something large or something small," he said. "I'm very grateful for the role Chris, William, and their crew have played."

The Ann Arbor date will kick off one of several viewing opportunities within the State of Michigan in 2024. Tickets for the southeast Michigan premiere of Troubled Water on Saturday, Jan. 27, are $5. Guests are encouraged to come early to mingle with some of the filmmakers. Tickets are general admission, and doors will open at 6 p.m. A Q&A will follow the film.

Proceeds from the evening will support the Oil & Water Don’t Mix Coalition, which works with organizations and citizens to protect the Great Lakes and ultimately shut down Line 5.

A special thanks to our promotional partners, including the Anishinaabek Caucus of the Michigan Democratic Party, Clean Water Action, Michigan League of Conservation Voters, National Wildlife Federation, Sierra Club Michigan, and Washtenaw 350.

Evening Timeline

6 p.m. Doors open

7 p.m. Troubled Water Film; Followed by Q&A with Filmmakers

9 p.m. Event concludes


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