RSVP4 people are attending
Saturday, March 23, 2024
4:15 p.m.– 5:00 p.m. EDT
State Theater
233 S State St
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
United States
Bill Latka
Oil & Water Don't Mix is showing the BAD RIVER at the State Theater on Saturday, March 23, and we need six volunteers!
BAD RIVER is a compelling new documentary about the Wisconsin-based Bad River Band and its ongoing fight for sovereignty. The Canadian corporation Enbridge and its Line 5 crude oil pipeline threaten the Great Lakes and the Band's way of life.
We need your help getting people checked in (looking at ticket receipts and checking people off our list) and selling OWDM merchandise after the film. If you can help, you are invited to stay for the movie!
Please RSVP below to let us know you can do it! Be prepared to arrive at the theater on Saturday March 23 at 4:15 p.m.