blue-lake-charter.pngPublic turnout for this meeting is incredibly important. 

Ride a bus to the Pipeline Safety Advisory Board meeting from Traverse City to Petoskey on June 12!

Buy a bus ticket below. If you cannot attend and still want to help, please consider a sponsorship donation to subsidize the cost of these discounted seats.


Monday, June 12

6:45 AM - Load the bus

7:00 AM - Depart Traverse City Civic Center

8:30 AM - Arrive Petoskey Middle School (venue for the meeting)

9:00 AM to 3:30 PM - Pipeline Safety Advisory Board Meeting (a lunch break at noon)

3:45 PM - Depart Petoskey

5:15 PM - Arrive at Civic Center (approximate time)


Parking at the Civic Center is free. Park in the middle lot and look for the bus. Please be prompt!


Traverse City Civic Center Directions

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