Public turnout for this meeting is incredibly important.
Ride a bus to the Pipeline Safety Advisory Board meeting from Traverse City to Petoskey on June 12!
Buy a bus ticket below. If you cannot attend and still want to help, please consider a sponsorship donation to subsidize the cost of these discounted seats.
Monday, June 12
6:45 AM - Load the bus
7:00 AM - Depart Traverse City Civic Center
8:30 AM - Arrive Petoskey Middle School (venue for the meeting)
9:00 AM to 3:30 PM - Pipeline Safety Advisory Board Meeting (a lunch break at noon)
3:45 PM - Depart Petoskey
5:15 PM - Arrive at Civic Center (approximate time)
Parking at the Civic Center is free. Park in the middle lot and look for the bus. Please be prompt!