Call Gov. Whitmer now to let her know you are counting on her to do the right thing, and not go into business with a company that has proven that it cannot be trusted in Michigan.

Governor Whitmer told the Detroit News that she has been discussing building a tunnel with Enbridge. We know dealing with Enbridge is extremely difficult. The fossil fuel industry is the most powerful industry on the planet. We also know Gov. Whitmer wants to do the right thing for the Great Lakes and the climate.
Use the talking points listed here or include your own stories about why decommissioning Line 5 is important. We have her back when it comes to dealing with Enbridge
Building a tunnel for Canadian oil through the Great Lakes is a bad idea for Michigan - it would prolong the risks of an oil spill along 400 inland water bodies and Lake Michigan shoreline.
Enbridge is an untrustworthy partner. Their record of oil spills in Michigan including 1 million gallons into the Kalamazoo River, lying about the condition of Line 5, missing anchor supports, a delay in disclosing a potentially catastrophic anchor strike, and not having an adequate Line 5 oil spill response plan.
Scientists tell us we have 11 years to cut carbon emissions in half. Building an oil tunnel would help perpetuate the fossil fuel that we drastically and urgently need to reduce.
There are alternatives to Line 5 that do not require building a new oil pipeline. Independent studies, including those commissioned by the state, have confirmed there are viable options that would better protect Michigan’s waters and climate while addressing household energy needs in the Upper Peninsula.