RSVP1 person is attending
Monday, September 19, 2016
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. EDT
AG Schuette's Office - G. Mennen Williams Building
525 W Ottawa St
Lansing, MI 48909
United States
Sean McBrearty
(616) 516-7758
Clean Water Action will be delivering 5,000 citizen letters to Attorney General Schuette's office calling for the immediate shut down of Enbridge Line 5. Help us to form a crowd for the media as the pressure to shut down the aging pipeline ramps up with tremendous citizen support.
Speakers include:
- Mariah Urueta - Food & Water Watch
- Catherine Hollowell - Region 5 Representative, National Tribal Caucus/ Representative on EPA National Tribal Operations Committee
- Kathleen Brosemer - Environmental Program Manager, Sault Tribe (with a statement from Chairperson Payment)
- Sean McBrearty - Clean Water Action
The letter drop will happen on the same day of the Pipeline Safety Advisory Board meeting in Lansing where interim measures to close Line 5 are scheduled to be discussed.
If you can't make it, Like the Clean Water Action Facebook Page for a livestream of the event.