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Comment at MPSC Detroit Meeting

RSVP15 people are attending


Wednesday, July 27, 2022
1:00 p.m.– 2:00 p.m. EDT


Cadillac Place
3044 W Grand Blvd
Detroit, MI 48202
United States


Sean McBrearty

Tell MPSC: No Permit

Here's a great opportunity for Metro Detroit residents to make a difference on Line 5.

The Michigan Public Service Commission (MSPC) will hold their monthly meeting, not in their usual Lansing office but this time in Detroit.

The MPSC reopened the case to ask Enbridge for proof that its tunnel plan and existing pipeline are safe (we made a TikTok about this). Let's turn out and thank them for holding Enbridge accountable. Plus, with our overheating climate bearing down on all of us, ask them to stand strong and consider taking action climate in their final permit decision. Now is the time to speak up. 

We invite you to attend this meeting and give public comment. Let's thank them for their diligence, and ask the MPSC to deny the Enbridge permit to move the Line 5 oil pipeline into a tunnel through the middle of the Great Lakes. In-person attendees will have up to 3 minutes to speak.

Get some inspiration from those who spoke at a recent meeting in Lansing:

If you want additional information to prepare your comments, please check out this page and this action.

It can seem scary to speak in front of a body like this, but you can do it! This is how we shut down Line 5 and prevent an unneeded and dangerous oil tunnel. 

Please RSVP to let us know that you can attend and speak at the meeting.

15 people are attending

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Join those working to protect the Great Lakes & climate from the Enbridge Line 5 crude oil pipeline.

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