UPDATE: Tuesday, December 11, 12:15 PM - Here are the results of the House vote for SB 1197 (74-34). Big money and greed win today. But the fight continues. Leaving a pipeline in the Great Lakes for 10 or more years is not an option. Not on our watch. Thanks for all that called and emailed Representatives.


House Vote SB 1197

Call these Michigan Representatives ASAP and then report your call below.

Rep. Lee Chatfield: (517) 373-2629
Rep. Sara Cambensy: (517) 373-0498
Rep. Scott Dianda: (517) 373-0850
Rep. Peter Lucido: (517) 373-0843
Rep. Brandt Iden: (517) 373-1774
Rep. Daniela Garcia: (517) 373-0830
Rep. Mike McCready: (517) 373-8670
Rep. Sue Allor: (517) 373-0833
Rep. Larry Inman: (517) 373-1766
Rep. David Maturen: (517) 373-1787
Rep. Chris Afendoulis: (517) 373-0218
Rep. Julie Calley: (517) 373-0842
Rep. Kathy Crawford: (517) 373-0827
Rep. Jason Sheppard: (517) 373-2617
Rep. Jim Lilly: (517) 373-0838
Rep. Scott VanSingel: (517) 373-7317
Rep. Dave Pagel: (517) 373-1796
Rep. Brett Roberts: (517) 373-1775

Proposed Talking Points

State your name and where you live.

Please vote no on SB 1197, the bill authorizing an oil tunnel in the Straits of Mackinac. My specific concerns include:

  • The current Line 5 pipeline must be shut down as soon as possible. SB 1197 would allow the existing Line 5 pipeline to remain in the open waters of the Great Lakes for at least another decade.
  • Any tunnel should be taxed as private property. This bill would designate the utility tunnel as public property, which risks removing from the tax rolls the over $500,000 of private investment for a private corporation.
  • No state funds for the tunnel. This tunnel proposal serves primarily a private purpose, the State of Michigan should not spend our tax dollars to help a private company build, maintain, permit, or litigate this proposed tunnel.

Remember to thank them for their time!


255 Calls
250 Calls

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Showing 163 reactions

  • April Beattie
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:46:23 -0500
  • Bret Huntman
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:45:57 -0500
    I emailed the list and called Rep. Chatfield’s office. I spoke with Bob Anderson, who met us at the Indian River coffee “hour” last week. I reminded him that any investment of public funds in fossil fuels is a bad investment now that renewable power plants provide much less expensive power. I encouraged a NO vote. He said they were in committee meeting now addressing the question of forming a new authority, or making it a part of the Bridge Authority. I pointed out that the Senate passed bill does remove tunnel associated property from the tax rolls and would remove a huge portion of school operating funds from school districts throughout Mr. Chatfield’s district.
  • Lynn Liberato
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:45:37 -0500
    I spoke with staff for: Rep. Brian Elder: (517) 373-0158

    Rep. Lee Chatfield: (517) 373-2629

    Rep. Sara Cambensy: (517) 373-0498

    Rep. Peter Lucido: (517) 373-0843

    Rep. Brandt Iden: (517) 373-1774

    Rep. Daniela Garcia: (517) 373-0830

    Rep. Sue Allor: (517) 373-0833

    Rep. Larry Inman: (517) 373-1766

    Rep. David Maturen: (517) 373-1787

    I left messages for:

    Rep. Chris Afendoulis: (517) 373-0218

    Rep. Julie Calley: (517) 373-0842

    Rep. Kathy Crawford: (517) 373-0827

    Rep. Jason Sheppard: (517) 373-2617

    Rep. Jim Lilly: (517) 373-0838

    Rep. Scott VanSingel: (517) 373-7317

    Rep. Dave Pagel: (517) 373-1796

    Rep. Brett Roberts: (517) 373-1775

    Rep. Scott Dianda: (517) 373-0850

    Rep. Mike McCready: (517) 373-8670
  • Kim Elmquest
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:43:26 -0500
    Yes! I called every Michigan rep on this list to voice my concern and urge them to vote NO!
  • Virginia Rogers
    @ginny_rogers tweeted link to this page. 2018-12-11 09:40:45 -0500
    Make a huge difference and call or email this list of Michigan Representatives about voting NO on SB 1197. https://www.oilandwaterdontmix.org/contact_these_reps_about_sb_1197?recruiter_id=2767
  • Virginia Rogers
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:39:59 -0500
    I called all. I reached voicemail and left messages for all but 3 or 4. Of the offices in which a person answered, Rep. Sheppard’s office is the only one that wouldn’t listen to my whole message because I don’t live in the district.
  • Kent Casadonte
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:39:11 -0500
    Called all Reps, vote NO
  • Jacqueline Daley
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:38:37 -0500
  • Alison Horton
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:35:16 -0500
    We put 2 calls into Inman’s office. Assistants said they would tell him.
  • Kim Diment
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:32:43 -0500
    I left many messages and talked to about 6 assistants.
  • Tony Guzdial
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:31:49 -0500
    I called Rep. Lucido’s office and voiced my opposition to the oil pipeline. The aide said that they are getting a lot of phone calls against the pipeline. He said that Lucido is still studying the issue!
  • Jackie Schmitz
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:31:49 -0500
  • Kevin Haight
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:29:38 -0500
    I called representatives Lee Chatfield, Dave Pagel, and Beth Griffin. I mentioned to all of them that Sen. Tonya Schuitmaker had voted against SB 1197 which seemed to get their attention.
  • Peggy Hawley
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:26:21 -0500
  • Alice Van Zoeren
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:24:45 -0500
  • Marsha Reeves
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:22:06 -0500
  • Terry Deegan
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:20:50 -0500
  • Deborah Fullford
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:20:00 -0500
    I called every number. I spoke to 4 staffers. All said their reps had not made up their minds. One said they had been getting a lot of calls this morning. I noted that I make my living from the pristine nature of Northern Michigan, and a spill would devastate our economy. I asked that the rep please vote no on SB 1197.
  • Catherine Casadonte
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:14:44 -0500
  • Michele Worden
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:11:33 -0500
    Called Larry Inman’s Office. Spoke to a person
  • Owen E. Goslin
    @realOwenGoslin tweeted link to this page. 2018-12-11 09:10:09 -0500
    Make a huge difference and call or email this list of Michigan Representatives about voting NO on SB 1197. https://www.oilandwaterdontmix.org/contact_these_reps_about_sb_1197?recruiter_id=58862
  • Owen Goslin
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:09:43 -0500
  • Jill Henemyer
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:08:50 -0500
    I called but only got voice mail. I left a message urging Rep. Afendoulis to vote no! My spouse called as well.
  • Jim Mccauley
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:07:08 -0500
    I called 19 representatives and left messages for 16, 3 I spoke to staff members.
  • Joanne Kelley
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:06:34 -0500
  • Thomas B. Wells
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:01:51 -0500
  • Carol Kleinert
    endorsed via 2018-12-11 09:01:33 -0500
    I called and the voice on the other end sounded just like Lee Chattfield himself. I requested a no vote on SB 1197 and told the person on the other end of the line that I couldn’t believe he was “For” this terrible piece of legislation. I asked the guy on the other end how he felt to which he replied “I don’t feel one way or another” I also said I was aware of the committee meeting this morning and I would be watching. Sorry didn’t stick to the talking points. I asked him if he wanted my name and address and he replied he had my name.
  • Katharine Miller
    endorsed 2018-12-11 09:00:16 -0500
    I recorded my message with the talking points from your email plus a plea to NOT EVEN build a tunnel.
  • Judy Swope
    endorsed 2018-12-11 08:50:10 -0500
  • Rebecca Yoder
    @yoder_beccayo75 tweeted link to this page. 2018-12-11 08:49:25 -0500
    Make a huge difference and call or email this list of Michigan Representatives about voting NO on SB 1197. https://www.oilandwaterdontmix.org/contact_these_reps_about_sb_1197?recruiter_id=24342

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