Call Attorney General Schuette

October 23, 2015 - Yesterday marked 100 days since Michigan's Attorney General Schuette said of Line 5, "the pipeline's days are numbered." and there has been no apparent action to stop the flow of oil through the heart of the Great Lakes.

Thank you for stepping up to exceed our goal of 100 calls to Attorney General Schuette's office.

You made 112 calls!

Thank you!

The nice people at Attorney General Shuette's office started to loose their patience as the day wore on. Now they know how we feel. We are out of patience for action to protect the Great Lakes.

Let's keep up the pressure!
Now send and Email to Gov. Snyder and AG Schuette.

Thanks to O&WDM campaign partner Food & Water Watch for organizing this day of action!

Food & Water Watch

Help Reach the Next Goal: 100 signatures

Will you make the call?

Showing 59 reactions

  • Jane Browe
    posted about this on Facebook 2015-10-29 08:58:49 -0400
    Now 100 days since he said Line 5's "days are numbered - Call AG Schuette to say #ShutDownLine5
  • Lynn Fraze
    signed 2015-10-23 16:54:35 -0400
  • Kurt Gleichman
    signed 2015-10-23 09:06:32 -0400
  • Gary Rigby
    signed 2015-10-22 23:06:43 -0400
    Couldn’t call but I sent a passionate email to the task force.
  • Eric Hansen
    signed 2015-10-22 22:22:16 -0400
    I called, and sent a letter to the pipeline task force

    Eric Hansen
  • Nicholas Rymut
    signed 2015-10-22 17:39:17 -0400
  • Alexandra Flanagan
    signed 2015-10-22 17:15:58 -0400
  • Gary Garrett
    signed 2015-10-22 16:32:22 -0400
  • Cathy Berry
    signed 2015-10-22 16:31:05 -0400
  • Wendy Goetz
    signed 2015-10-22 15:45:21 -0400
  • Judy Skog
    signed 2015-10-22 15:42:31 -0400
    Made the call. They asked me to email [email protected]. I will send the email.
  • Mike Ripley
    signed 2015-10-22 15:04:42 -0400
    Nice lady seems annoyed and immediately switched me to an automated phone system for the Consumers Protection.
  • Rev. Deb Hansen
    signed 2015-10-22 14:50:01 -0400
    I called them. They gave me his email. I will comment on that as well.
  • Debbie Kujawski
    signed via 2015-10-22 14:36:37 -0400
    updates on this topic can be found at under “Special topics” There is a meeting of the Safety advisory board on the 28th.
  • Byron Jolly
    posted about this on Facebook 2015-10-22 14:28:10 -0400
    Now 100 days since he said Line 5's "days are numbered - Call AG Schuette to say #ShutDownLine5
  • Kelly Lively
    posted about this on Facebook 2015-10-22 14:16:15 -0400
    Now 100 days since he said Line 5's "days are numbered - Call AG Schuette to say #ShutDownLine5
  • Kelly Lively
    signed 2015-10-22 14:15:55 -0400
    Called for shutdown and emailed as well.

    Thanks for the reminder!
  • Patricia Hammel
    posted about this on Facebook 2015-10-22 13:43:10 -0400
    Now 100 days since he said Line 5's "days are numbered - Call AG Schuette to say #ShutDownLine5
  • Patricia Hammel
    signed 2015-10-22 13:42:47 -0400
    Called and asked him to take action as it also affects us in Wisconsin (bordered by Lakes Michigan and Superior).
  • Gary Faley
    signed 2015-10-22 13:40:37 -0400
    Enbridge caused the “spill” in the Kzoo rive over 5 yrs ago, still cleaning that …don’t let this old line #5 collapse into the Great Lakes system
  • Dan Engstrom
    signed 2015-10-22 13:40:28 -0400
  • Mariah Urueta
    signed via 2015-10-22 13:29:54 -0400
    Shut down Line 5!
  • Jim Egged
    posted about this on Facebook 2015-10-22 13:15:03 -0400
    Now 100 days since he said Line 5's "days are numbered - Call AG Schuette to say #ShutDownLine5
  • Jim Egged
    @Enviroman1 tweeted link to this page. 2015-10-22 13:14:59 -0400
    Now 100 days since he said Line 5's "days are numbered - Call AG Schuette to say #ShutDownLine5
  • Joanne Cromley
    signed 2015-10-22 13:14:25 -0400
  • Lydia Levinson
    signed 2015-10-22 13:12:17 -0400
  • Rochelle Faull
    signed 2015-10-22 13:03:00 -0400
    We all need to take action to get this line shutdown let’s act now before the great lakes are polluted
  • Zoe Person
    signed 2015-10-22 12:57:53 -0400
  • Alex Vining
    signed 2015-10-22 11:45:16 -0400
  • John Pixley
    signed 2015-10-22 11:43:14 -0400
    SHUT DOWN LINE 5 like promised 100 days ago

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Join those working to protect the Great Lakes & climate from the Enbridge Line 5 crude oil pipeline.

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