Sign this petition calling on the protection of the Great Lakes, the climate, and of all Michiganders.

Tell the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy (EGLE) to deny Enbridge permits to construct a fossil fuel tunnel through the Great Lakes. Science demands that we shift to using clean energy now. Serious flaws in the permits put us all at risk.


We'll send your signature to EGLE before the October 19 deadline for public comment on the Enbridge tunnel permit.

UPDATE - Monday, Oct 19, 11:00 PM: Signatures here will no longer be delivered to EGLE. You can still submit a comment by visiting this comment page and submitting an email by 11:59 PM tonight.

To the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy (EGLE):

I urge you to reject Enbridge Energy’s application for permission to relocate its pipelines into an oil tunnel through the bottomlands of the Great Lakes. This is not simply a relocation - it is new fossil fuel infrastructure.

Building an oil tunnel through the Straits of Mackinac would continue to endanger public trust waters and bottomlands at the Straits, and would continue the risk to our waters posed by Line 5's other 400-plus water crossings. Feasible and prudent alternatives to the energy currently provided by Line 5 exist - this project is not in the public's interest.

The science is clear that to avoid significantly worsening impacts of climate change, we must rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including from the burning of fossil fuels. Allowing Enbridge to build a new pipeline that can transport oil for up to 99 years through our state will exacerbate climate change, the impacts of which are already harming our state and its residents.

Building an oil tunnel would take five or more years at a time when the existing pipeline may keep operating, extending the risk of a devastating oil spill into the Great Lakes and exposing Michiganders to a heightened risk of contaminated drinking water, endangered livelihoods, and lost access to recreational activities.  

I ask that you protect our Great Lakes, our state, and our families from the worsening impacts of climate change by rejecting this application.

Help Reach the Next Goal: 2,500 signatures

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Showing 2106 reactions

  • Tracey Snache
    signed 2020-10-19 10:03:51 -0400
  • Katherine A Frederick
    signed 2020-10-19 10:01:38 -0400
  • Aaron Schneider
    signed 2020-10-19 10:01:24 -0400
  • Trent Tomlinson
    signed 2020-10-19 10:00:39 -0400
    This is not a solution! It only prolongs the inevitable. Shut down Line 5!
  • Allison Lester
    signed 2020-10-19 09:59:09 -0400
  • Jane Enterline
    signed 2020-10-19 09:59:09 -0400
  • Ben Gaeth
    signed 2020-10-19 09:58:46 -0400
  • Dudley Jordan
    signed 2020-10-19 09:58:45 -0400
  • Eileen Perkins
    signed 2020-10-19 09:57:44 -0400
  • Marge Ferro
    signed 2020-10-19 09:57:18 -0400
    Please protect the GreatvLakes, it’s a Michigan treasure! An oil spill could be catastrophic!
  • Cathyann Berry
    signed 2020-10-19 09:56:29 -0400
    Protect the Earth and our precious water systems in the Great Lakes. Shut down the pipelines. Stop Enbridge and the terrible tunnel plan!
  • LuAnne Minette
    signed 2020-10-19 09:55:26 -0400
    Just say NO !
  • Matt Mead
    signed 2020-10-19 09:53:53 -0400
    There is no reason for this risk. it would be far cheaper to simply truck any propane to the UP. It’s a made up reason for a Canadian company to profit.
  • Marguerite Schmidt
    signed 2020-10-19 09:53:26 -0400
  • Sondra Loucks Wilson
    signed 2020-10-19 09:51:50 -0400
    This project makes no sense. It will not benefit the people of Michigan; it is proposed by a company that acts first and makes excuses and lame apologies later – a company that has already overspent its welcome here; it is not good for business, not good for the environment, and not good for Michigan.
  • Sheila Bolz
    signed 2020-10-19 09:50:01 -0400
  • Laura Diedrich
    signed 2020-10-19 09:49:13 -0400
    This tunnel project is irresponsible. It is a profit over people endeavor and the people of Michigan deserve better. I think we a s humans so often are able to look past the harm of something because it meets An immediate need. But fresh water is not something that can be taken for granted. We should not and cannot allow our Great Lakes and Indigenous peoples to be endangered for this huge corporation to continue to profit off of the destruction of OUR land.
  • Joyce Halstead
    signed 2020-10-19 09:48:13 -0400
  • Eric Cederholm
    signed 2020-10-19 09:48:07 -0400
    To add to the previous, though I live in the Grand Rapids area now, I was raised in Manistee County. It is there I learned the importance and sacredness of the Great Lakes. We as a people and as a state must protect our waterways. I understand mitigation measures will be taken, however, what is more important is the consequences of failure. Consequences of failure will be catastrophic, and as we see to often, the public always pays either monetarily or through other means such as quality of life, not to mention our precious wildlife. Do the right thing and DENY the oil tunnel.
  • K. Feilmeyer
    signed 2020-10-19 09:47:37 -0400
  • Leah Fappiano
    signed 2020-10-19 09:46:49 -0400
  • Debbie Brown
    signed 2020-10-19 09:46:34 -0400
  • Peggy Urick
    signed 2020-10-19 09:46:03 -0400
    Stop this pipeline before we lose our lakes.
  • Gayla Endahl
    signed 2020-10-19 09:42:13 -0400
  • Liz Bode
    signed 2020-10-19 09:42:09 -0400
  • Jill Alo
    signed 2020-10-19 09:42:08 -0400
  • Mary-Jane Caspers
    signed 2020-10-19 09:42:04 -0400
    There is no way a company that refuses to pay to cover any damages that could arise should be allowed to make a profit at our (taxpayers and Michiganders) expense.!The Canadian company has already been getting away for too long without performing the repairs or upgrades set forth by the Legislature before the construction of Line 5.

    Also a damage to the tunnel could not be remedied fast enough and would have devastating consequences for both Lake Michigan and Lake Huron and their respective coasts.

    Enbridge could then retreat to Canada, possibility declaring bankruptcy so they would not have to pay a penny, and restart under a new name to continue making a profit at another country’s expense.

    Enough! Start protecting our Lakes, our tourism economy instead of the interests of a foreign entity!
  • Paul McCarthy
    signed 2020-10-19 09:41:54 -0400
  • Jan Harlan
    signed 2020-10-19 09:38:44 -0400
    Why would we take any chances on having an oil spill in the Great Lakes and why would we trust this company after its record on pollution in Michigan in the past.
  • Elizabeth Teeter
    signed 2020-10-19 09:38:40 -0400

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