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Help us by are calling on our state leaders to enforce the easement granted to Enbridge for their Line 5 oil pipelines to be allowed to operate in the Straits of Mackinac.

Take action to protect the Great Lakes from a disastrous oil spill.

Michigan Governor Snyder and Attorney General Schuette:

As you know, the Canadian pipeline company Enbridge pumps almost 23 million gallons of oil every day through its Line 5 pipeline, from Superior, Wisconsin to Sarnia, Ontario.

Enbridge is currently operating in violation of the 1953 easement agreement with the State of Michigan to operate Line 5 in the Straits of Mackinac. Turbulent currents and winter conditions make the Straits the worst possible location for a spill. Required supports for Line 5 have washed out for the second time in two years. Independent experts have identified at least seven state and federal violations of this legal agreement with the state.

Since 1988, this 64-year-old pipeline has failed at least fifteen times, dumping about 260,000 gallons of oil on land and in marshes. This pipeline crosses along the bottom of the Great Lakes at the Straits of Mackinac, and through many sensitive inland lakes, rivers, and wetlands.

This pipeline poses an unacceptable risk to our water, ecosystems, health, and economy.

I urge you to act as legal public trustees of our waters and bottomlands to enforce the 1953 Easement and immediately shut down Line 5 in the Straits of Mackinac to protect the Great Lakes from a catastrophic oil spill. 

Help Reach the Next Goal: 15,000 signatures

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Showing 8251 reactions

  • Rebecca Bender
    signed 2017-11-30 05:28:50 -0500
  • Kathy Lessard
    signed 2017-11-29 22:12:23 -0500
  • Lisa Leininger
    signed 2017-11-29 10:51:07 -0500
  • James Fitch
    signed 2017-11-29 09:59:32 -0500
  • Jacqueline Kinsman
    signed 2017-11-29 08:56:43 -0500
  • Nathan Burnell
    signed 2017-11-28 10:29:23 -0500
  • Julie Brennan
    signed via 2017-11-28 09:26:47 -0500
  • Carol McPherson
    signed 2017-11-28 06:25:11 -0500
  • Fran Mayes
    signed 2017-11-27 11:07:56 -0500
    Don’t risk the world’s largest source of fresh water!
  • Evan Mitchell
    signed 2017-11-26 18:37:40 -0500
  • Josie Martin
    signed 2017-11-26 16:59:41 -0500
    This is important! Our beautiful state
  • Travis Hosna
    signed 2017-11-26 16:56:06 -0500
  • Gene Brady
    signed 2017-11-26 09:26:38 -0500
    This is just common sense. Protect the Great Lakes or cave in to a company? I would go with protecting the Great Lakes.
  • Tom Webster
    signed 2017-11-25 10:02:26 -0500
  • Dolores Lane
    signed 2017-11-25 01:01:13 -0500
    Dolores Lane
  • Ruth Bradfield
    signed 2017-11-24 22:46:23 -0500
  • Kathy Schoen
    signed 2017-11-24 21:58:33 -0500
    It is past time the Line 5 is shut down. Winter is coming and a spill would be catastrophic. Current politicians will forever be loathed if Line 5 ruptures during their time in office. Common sense alone tells us it’s time to SHUT IT DOWN.

    Kathy Schoen
  • Char Hoffman
    signed 2017-11-24 19:24:45 -0500
    Char Hoffman
  • Sue Wright
    signed 2017-11-24 18:39:46 -0500
    Enbridge has such a bad track record that it is only a matter of time before something disastrous could occur.
  • Brian Hicks
    signed via 2017-11-24 15:48:41 -0500
  • Brian Begeman
    signed 2017-11-24 12:33:02 -0500
  • Gerald Sparbeck
    signed via 2017-11-24 09:58:15 -0500
  • Laura Lyons
    signed 2017-11-23 16:40:20 -0500
  • Carol McGeehan
    signed 2017-11-23 15:53:28 -0500
    Carol McGeehan
  • Lori Mulvey
    signed 2017-11-23 13:40:43 -0500
  • Lauren Hochstein
    signed 2017-11-23 00:56:17 -0500
  • Pamela Goodman
    signed 2017-11-22 21:42:39 -0500
    Pamela Goodman
  • Joellen Rudolph
    signed 2017-11-22 20:49:37 -0500
    It is way past time this was shut down. Your recent statements are a step n but still no action. Stop the speeches. TAKE ACTION NOW!!!
  • Lesley Miller
    signed 2017-11-22 18:25:47 -0500
  • Marsha Boettger
    signed 2017-11-22 18:10:12 -0500

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