RSVP107 people are attending
Monday, April 25, 2016
7:00 p.m.– 8:30 p.m. EDT
Michigan Theater
603 E Liberty St
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
United States
FLOW (For Love Of Water)
Join us for a screening of Great Lakes, Bad Lines, a new documentary about an aging 63 year old pipeline, a 500 mile journey, and protecting the Great Lakes.
In addition to the film, see a brief presentation about the ongoing work by the many organizations working to shut down the flow of oil in Enbridge Line 5. University of Michigan Water Center researcher Dave Schwab will be available after the documentary to answer questions about a new report "Statistical Analysis of Straits of Mackinac Line 5: Worst Case Spill Scenarios."
This screening is hosted by FLOW (For Love of Water), co-hosted by Michigan League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, National Wildlife Federation, and the Wolfpack, and supported by Bivouac.
This will be one of many film screening events this April in cities around the Great Lakes, including Minneapolis, Chicago, Grand Rapids, and Traverse City.