$2,928.00 raised
GOAL: $3,000.00

Little girl reacts to Enbridge commercial message about how "life takes energy."

The report on the law allowing a tunnel for Line 5 was just released. Attorney General Nessel found that Public Act 359 is unconstitutional. Gov. Whitmer issued an Executive Order stopping any action associated with the law from going forward

You can be sure that Enbridge will turn up the gas-fired heat on its propaganda about how Michigan cannot survive without Line 5. This is absolutely not true - over 95% of the oil in that pipeline comes from and returns to Canada. Enbridge gets the reward and Michigan gets all the risk. The few services Line 5 does provide can be solved without risking the Great Lakes.

The climate is warming and we have 11 years to cut our emissions in half. Give today to help us launch a social media campaign to show Michiganders why we don't need Line 5 and its oil, and to show the administration the support for decommissioning. 

Line 5 is wrong for Michigan. Dead wrong.

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Showing 59 reactions

  • Leo Forster
    donated 2019-03-27 08:20:31 -0400
  • Alan Exoo
    donated 2019-03-27 03:29:58 -0400
  • Fred Rachwitz
    donated 2019-03-26 22:07:35 -0400
  • Bret Huntman
    donated 2019-03-26 21:14:55 -0400
  • Jamie Pauline
    donated via 2019-03-26 21:14:49 -0400
  • Colleen Mulligan
    donated 2019-03-26 21:11:15 -0400
  • Nancy Kida
    donated 2019-03-26 21:03:55 -0400
  • Tamara Stagman
    donated 2019-03-26 20:14:33 -0400
  • Jim Maturen
    donated 2019-03-26 19:54:43 -0400
  • Deb Sherrod
    donated 2019-03-26 16:28:04 -0400
  • Richard Landback
    donated 2019-03-26 16:22:50 -0400
  • Ralph Tuscher
    donated via 2019-03-26 16:04:16 -0400
  • Helen McCauslin
    donated via 2019-03-26 15:28:01 -0400
  • Randy Brown
    donated 2019-03-26 15:07:27 -0400
  • Larry Gephart
    donated 2019-03-26 15:03:32 -0400
  • Anna Fisher
    @anna_irjuk tweeted link to this page. 2019-03-26 14:11:36 -0400
  • Anna Fisher
    donated via 2019-03-26 14:11:16 -0400
  • Cynthia Elliott
    donated 2019-03-26 14:05:28 -0400
  • Luanne Sherman
    donated 2019-03-26 13:47:19 -0400
  • Elizabeth Leclerc
    donated 2019-03-26 13:23:07 -0400
  • Ruth Paquin
    donated 2019-03-26 13:12:46 -0400
  • June Thaden
    donated 2019-03-26 13:12:18 -0400
  • Pamela Hunt
    donated via 2019-03-26 12:49:25 -0400
  • Everyl Yankee
    donated 2019-03-26 12:35:16 -0400
  • David Elmendorf
    donated via 2019-03-26 12:32:32 -0400
  • Richard Scott
    donated via 2019-03-26 12:27:15 -0400
  • Brenda Kennedy
    donated 2019-03-26 12:21:49 -0400
  • Christina Sperber
    donated 2019-03-26 12:21:13 -0400
  • David Holtz
    donated via 2019-03-26 12:10:50 -0400

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Join those working to protect the Great Lakes & climate from the Enbridge Line 5 crude oil pipeline.

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