RSVP6 people are attending
Thursday, March 16, 2017
5:30 p.m.– 7:30 p.m. EDT
Lake Superior State University
650 W Easterday Ave
Crawford Hall, Room 204
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
United States
Pat Egan
Ed Timm is a PhD Chemical Engineering University of Michigan, licensed professional engineer, a retired senior scientist from Dow Chemical Company, holds 26 chemical processing patents, has hands-on experience with petrochemical and refinery processes, and spent his last work years at Dow Chemical in environmental operations and cleanup.
His research on Line 5 has determined that this pipeline is riskier than we are being lead to believe by Enbridge.
“Using Enbridge’s own data I calculated that the non-Straits sections of line 5 have, on the average, lost 45% of their wall thickness due to internal and external corrosion.” - Dr. Ed Timm PhD
This event is sponsored by the Three-Lakes Sierra Club.