RSVP118 people are attending
Wednesday, May 06, 2020
7:15 p.m.– 7:45 p.m. EDT
David Holtz
We're extending an invitation to select supporters of Oil & Water Don't Mix to hear about the work to decommission Line 5 and prevent the Enbridge oil tunnel.
Join us for an update on where things stand with the MPSC permits, lawsuits, and how a Line 5 tunnel would adversely affect the climate. Our focus on this OWDM Live! will be the huge decision being made in May on Line 5 that could shape the future of Michigan’s approach to energy, climate change, and protecting the Great Lakes. We'll also have a little fun.
This time, David Holtz will be joined Wednesday by Liz Kirkwood with FLOW For Love Of Water, Jennifer McKay with Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council, and Kate Madigan with Michigan Climate Action Network. OWDM's Bill Latka will join us, too.
When you RSVP, you will receive your Zoom webinar registration link via email. The link will be personalized to you. If others want to join they will have to RSVP, too, so please don't share the link.
This will take place on east coast time!