Greening of the Great Lakes is a radio show that airs every Sunday evening at 7:00 on News/Talk 760 WJR and around the state each weekend via the Michigan Talk Network. Today they discussed the pipeline report and the speed at which the recommendations are being implemented.

Russ White , Dan Wyant - Image Courtesy mlive
A discussion with three experts regarding the report includes Michigan DEQ Director Dan Wyant, task force member and Deputy State Director of Emergency Management and Homeland Security Cpt. Chris Kelenske of the Michigan State Police, and Jim Lively, program manager for the Traverse City-based Groundwork Center, which is also an Oil & Water Don't Mix campaign partner and coordinating member organization.
Director Wyant provided both the rationale for the establishment of the task force and an assessment of its key findings and recommendations. Captian Chris Kelenske, discussed the recommendations specific to emergency preparedness planning/training and pipeline mapping. Jim Lively insists that best option regarding the Straits Pipelines is immediate closure and explains why.
"I'm frankly a little concerned about the speed at which we're going to move to address this thing because I believe it's a real ticking time bomb that needs much more prompt action." - Jim Lively, Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities
Wyant cautions that decommissioning the pipeline under the Straits is an action that can't be rushed into without analysis of how that would impact delivering reliable energy to Michigan citizens. But Jim Lively states, "I'm frankly a little concerned about the speed at which we're going to move to address this thing because I believe it's a real ticking time bomb that needs much more prompt action."
The report is an extremely worthwhile read. Not only does it provide an informative snapshot of the development and importance of Michigan's pipeline system, but it succinctly elucidates findings and recommendations with thoughtfulness and clarity. Having said that, the report begs the question of "next steps" and how quickly its recommendations can be transformed into action. Any oil spill has horrific consequences, but a pipeline rupture in the Straits of Mackinac would be a disaster virtually beyond comprehension. Kudos to the task force for a compelling report; now let's get moving on its recommendations.
Read the entire report from MLIVE and hear excerpts from the radio show here.
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