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Pipe Out Paddle Up Flotilla

RSVP41 people are attending


Saturday, September 04, 2021
8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. EDT


Alexander Henry Park
102 W Straits Ave
Mackinaw City, MI 49701
United States


Brandy Lee

The Line 5 pipeline poses too great of a risk to our Great Lakes. Join organizers for this 6th annual event - a day of festivities to learn about the threat to our waters, and celebrate the dedication of those working to be on the right side of history.

A flotilla is a large group of kayaks/kayaktivists protesting on the water for a cause, or calling for an ACTION. If this pipeline breaks, it will devastate the Pristine Waters of Lake Michigan for centuries.

Tentative Event Schedule

8:00 am - Gather in the park Nicolet St. & Huron Ave, Mackinaw City, MI
kayak rental & lessons Great Turtle Kayak Tours

9:00 am - Flotilla begins with the arrival of tribal nations canoes/jiimans

And then the Water Is Life Festival kicks off at Conkling Park in Mackinaw City for the remainder of the day.

RSVP below to be kept in the loop if details should change. Also, RSVP and get more information about camping spots on the event's Facebook Page.

Photo by Valerie Jean

41 people are attending

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Join those working to protect the Great Lakes & climate from the Enbridge Line 5 crude oil pipeline.

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