Thursday, March 02, 2017
6:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m. EST
Delta Waterfront Hotel
208 St Mary's River Dr
Algoma East Ballroom
Sault Ste Marie, ON P6A 5V4
International Joint Commission
The International Joint Commission will be holding a series of public meetings in Great Lakes communities to hear your views about how the Great Lakes are faring, and what Canada and the United States should do to restore and protect them. Now's the time to speak up for the lakes you love. The first public meeting is taking place in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.
Your views are essential for the IJC to evaluate the governments’ progress accomplishing the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement’s goals and objectives. Join us to learn more about local efforts for water quality management and to talk with the IJC and others about the successes and challenges for your watershed and for the Great Lakes.
This will be a good venue in which to speak up about the threat Line 5 poses to the Great Lakes. There will be an extensive public comment period. Please RSVP below to let us know if you are going.
Sault Ste. Marie, ON - March 2, 2017
Gather and Welcome
Video: You are the Voice of the Great Lakes
IJC Presentation: Your Say on Progress in Restoring the Great Lakes: A Guide to the TAP & PROP Reports
Local Presentations:
Catherine Taddo – Land Development & Environmental Engineer, City of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
City of Sault Ste. Marie, ON Sanitary and Stormwater Infrastructure Overview -
Michael Ripley –Environmental Coordinator, Inter-Tribal Fisheries, and Assessment Program, Chippewa Ottawa Resource Authority
Restoring the Little Rapids in the St. Marys River -
Joanie McGuffin – Lake Superior Water Trail Coordinator, The Lake Superior Watershed Conservancy
Linking Science and Citizens for Action: Building a Water Trail for the Lake Superior-wide Community
Public Comment Period:
Moderator: Dr. Gayle Broad – Director, NORDIK Institute, Algoma University
Please limit your comments to three minutes.
Closing: Comments from Commissioners and thank you