Attorney General Bill Schuette Inaction On Line 5 TunnelGov. Snyder’s announcement to build an oil tunnel in the Mackinac Straits will leave Enbridge’s Line 5 right where it is, a threat to the Great Lakes. It’s a failure of leadership by the governor that is endorsed by Attorney General Bill Schuette.

We need to put pressure on our Attorney General now! Let him now we oppose the Snyder-Schuette-Enbridge oil tunnel that will take 10 years to build and keep Line 5 as a dangerous oil pipeline rupture threat.


There’s no time to waste. We can win this fight and save the Great Lakes! We are counting on you now to let Attorney General Bill Schuette know you want him to oppose the Enbridge oil tunnel. After you contact him, report your contact below!

Report your contact below.

Talking Points:

  • This is not a solution for Michigan, but a solution for Enbridge to keep the Mackinac Straits at risk from their Line 5 oil pipelines and for Canada to get its oil processed using Michigan as a shortcut.
  • Line 5 faces multiple threats that will remain in place while a new Canadian tunnel is built through the Straits.
  • A worst-case scenario of a Mackinac Straits rupture would leak more than 2 million gallons of oil, contaminating 437 miles of Great Lakes shoreline, and cost $1.86 billion in damages, according to a study spearheaded by Professor Guy Meadows from Michigan Technological University.
  • This threat will remain in place for 7 to 10 years while an oil pipeline is constructed for Canada.
  • Even after a Line 5 oil tunnel is built, the oil pipeline will remain a permanent threat across its entire 645-mile length, putting more than 200 waterways at risk, including the storied AuSable River and watersheds that flow directly into Lake Michigan.
  • Fossil fuel is on its way out thanks to a rapid transition to cleaner energy sources. This tunnel will be a stranded asset when the cost of producing energy from fossil fuel becomes more expensive than from using renewables like wind and solar. In the near future, the State will be on the hook for a tunnel that is no longer financially feasible.


118 Contacts Made
150 Phone Calls & Emails Needed

Did you contact Schuette?

Showing 124 reactions

  • Michael Wojdylak
    endorsed 2018-10-04 15:55:30 -0400
  • Matt Noneyourbusiness
    endorsed 2018-10-04 15:21:03 -0400
    yes contacted schuette …one of several clueless lawyers in lansing
  • Tamara Meyers
    endorsed 2018-10-04 15:19:59 -0400
    Please stop Enbridge from building the tunnel and don’t allow a pipeline in our Great Lakes.
  • Joseph Suarez
    endorsed 2018-10-04 15:18:58 -0400

    Left message requesting that he oppose the tunnel.
  • Judith Elzinga
    endorsed 2018-10-04 15:13:04 -0400
  • Bonnie Schlosser
    endorsed 2018-10-04 14:51:39 -0400
  • Paul Keck
    endorsed 2018-10-04 14:35:49 -0400
    I wrote Schuette a letter stating that he has lost the trust of Michigan’s voters in his handling of the Flint Water crisis. If he expects to be elected as

    our new Governor, he needs to regain some of that trust, and shut down line #5, preferably before the election.
  • Robert Barr
    endorsed 2018-10-04 14:30:27 -0400
  • Laurie Macpherson
    endorsed 2018-10-04 14:26:53 -0400
  • Nancy and Gary Zebko
    endorsed 2018-10-04 14:19:48 -0400
  • June Thaden
    endorsed 2018-10-04 14:19:29 -0400
    I emailed A. G. Schuette, saying: Attorney General Bill Schuette,

    I oppose the Tunnel in the Straits of Mackinac that Governor Snyder and Enbridge are planning. idea. I think it is a horrible idea, putting our large portion of our freshwater supplies at an even longer time risk. I think that allowing those existing pipelines to remain in place for 10 years or more while a tunnel is studied, permitted and built is an intolerable risk for the State of Michigan for the benefit of a Canadian pipeline company.

    The use and need for fossil fuels will continue to diminish as clean energy becomes cheaper and becomes the energies of choice by corporations, cities and utilities. What happens to that tunnel then?

    Shut down the existing pair of Line 5 pipelines in the Straits, and oppose the tunnel. It’s the only responsible way to manage our most precious resource, Water!

    June Thaden

    520 Highland Park Dr

    Traverse City, MI 49686
  • June Thaden
    followed this page 2018-10-04 14:18:08 -0400
  • Cheryl D
    endorsed 2018-10-04 14:08:32 -0400
    Sent an email.
  • Dave Errickson
    endorsed 2018-10-04 14:07:54 -0400
  • Ralph Tuscher
    endorsed 2018-10-04 13:47:59 -0400
    Sent Shuette an e-mail.
  • Linda Prostko
    endorsed 2018-10-04 13:21:11 -0400
    email sent
  • Scott Lowe
    endorsed 2018-10-04 13:20:39 -0400
  • Susan Burack
    endorsed 2018-10-04 12:49:52 -0400
  • Jan Mrozinski
    endorsed 2018-10-04 12:47:33 -0400
  • Ruth Pickem
    endorsed 2018-10-04 12:47:25 -0400
    Sent comment NO TUNNEL!!!! Get oil out of our water
  • Roberta Chisholm
    endorsed 2018-10-04 12:12:00 -0400
  • Stephen Berry
    endorsed 2018-10-04 12:09:59 -0400
  • Mary Howard
    endorsed 2018-10-04 12:06:51 -0400
    This is not an answer to the threat to the great lakes water. We need to remove the contact of millions of gallons of oil from the clear, pure water of Michigan.
  • Joan Scott
    endorsed 2018-10-04 12:01:44 -0400
  • Kelly Dumas
    endorsed 2018-10-04 11:56:26 -0400
    Emailed Schuette
  • Polly Jackson
    endorsed 2018-10-04 11:51:54 -0400
  • Michael Baird
    endorsed 2018-10-04 11:49:34 -0400
    Just got done sending an email urging Mr. Schuette to reconsider his position.

    This backhanded tunnel deal was agreed to by Enbridge for no other reason than to allow them to continue current operations for another 10+ years. Line 5 cannot continue to operate that long without a catastrophic event occurring.
  • Elizabeth McDonald
    endorsed 2018-10-04 11:47:06 -0400
  • Michael Trier
    endorsed 2018-10-04 11:32:25 -0400
  • Jerry Gwg
    @jerry_bier tweeted link to this page. 2018-10-04 11:27:27 -0400

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