Attorney General Bill Schuette Inaction On Line 5 TunnelGov. Snyder’s announcement to build an oil tunnel in the Mackinac Straits will leave Enbridge’s Line 5 right where it is, a threat to the Great Lakes. It’s a failure of leadership by the governor that is endorsed by Attorney General Bill Schuette.

We need to put pressure on our Attorney General now! Let him now we oppose the Snyder-Schuette-Enbridge oil tunnel that will take 10 years to build and keep Line 5 as a dangerous oil pipeline rupture threat.


There’s no time to waste. We can win this fight and save the Great Lakes! We are counting on you now to let Attorney General Bill Schuette know you want him to oppose the Enbridge oil tunnel. After you contact him, report your contact below!

Report your contact below.

Talking Points:

  • This is not a solution for Michigan, but a solution for Enbridge to keep the Mackinac Straits at risk from their Line 5 oil pipelines and for Canada to get its oil processed using Michigan as a shortcut.
  • Line 5 faces multiple threats that will remain in place while a new Canadian tunnel is built through the Straits.
  • A worst-case scenario of a Mackinac Straits rupture would leak more than 2 million gallons of oil, contaminating 437 miles of Great Lakes shoreline, and cost $1.86 billion in damages, according to a study spearheaded by Professor Guy Meadows from Michigan Technological University.
  • This threat will remain in place for 7 to 10 years while an oil pipeline is constructed for Canada.
  • Even after a Line 5 oil tunnel is built, the oil pipeline will remain a permanent threat across its entire 645-mile length, putting more than 200 waterways at risk, including the storied AuSable River and watersheds that flow directly into Lake Michigan.
  • Fossil fuel is on its way out thanks to a rapid transition to cleaner energy sources. This tunnel will be a stranded asset when the cost of producing energy from fossil fuel becomes more expensive than from using renewables like wind and solar. In the near future, the State will be on the hook for a tunnel that is no longer financially feasible.


118 Contacts Made
150 Phone Calls & Emails Needed

Did you contact Schuette?

Showing 124 reactions

  • Terri Wild
    endorsed 2018-10-04 11:27:11 -0400
    I contacted Bill

    Schuette to ask that Line 5 be Shut Down
  • Jerry Bierens
    endorsed 2018-10-04 11:26:53 -0400
    I only sent an email as calling these people only gets you to an automated system and not a real person.
  • Irene Cotter
    endorsed 2018-10-04 11:21:57 -0400
  • Annette Beatty
    endorsed 2018-10-04 11:14:13 -0400
    I composed my own email and sent it to Schuette. I asked that he respond with his thoughts.
  • John McMillan
    endorsed 2018-10-04 11:12:47 -0400
    I sent a email to Shuette
  • Gerry Niedermaier
    endorsed 2018-10-04 11:07:52 -0400
    I spoke to one of his office people and sent an email both. We don’t need leaks into Little Bay de Noc either. How often do they inspect visually the lines that lie on river beds???
  • Barbara Huegli
    endorsed 2018-10-04 11:07:52 -0400
    Yes I contacted him. Tunnel is not fiscally or environmentallly sound!! Put Michigan PURE waters first!!
  • Ashley Yonker
    endorsed 2018-10-04 11:04:35 -0400
    I contacted his office, they put me into a voice mail. I told them I’m from Kalamazoo where the largest inland water spill in the nation happened thanks to Embridge. That we still have not recovered from it despite what the media says and that it is unconscionable for them to even consider allowing this to happen to our Great Lakes. I said that we would never be able to recover from a spill in the Great Lakes and that’s it’s irrational and irresponsible for our elected officials to even consider it. That hey need to start working for the people that they are elected to represent and not big business.
  • Timothy Connors
    endorsed 2018-10-04 11:00:39 -0400
  • Anna Taylor
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:58:23 -0400
    As a residence of Traverse City, I wrote and begged reconsideration.
  • Carol Noel
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:52:23 -0400
    I emailed Schuette. Thank you for the keeping this issue in the forefront.
  • Patrick Linton
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:50:40 -0400
    I emailed Mr. Schuette a few moments ago on 10/4/18
  • Bob Sutherland
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:50:08 -0400
    Here is what I said,

    Dear Gov. Snyder,

    As an employer of 300, who depend on a pristine Michigan, please don’t put my company and all of our jobs at risk by promoting such a one sided solution. Enbridge could not have written a better plan for themselves than the one you are putting forth. The cost is mostly Michigan’s. The risk is mostly Michigan’s. And for what?

    The current pipeline is 15 years past it’s recommended life. A tunnel should have been started 25 years ago. It should not be started now, on borrowed time, when Enbridge has already borrowed 15 years of lifetime risk on us Michigan residents.

    They have earned no goodwill for Michiganders to even think of writing a sweetheart deal like this with them. With the Kalamazoo spill, with all of the other spills, there should be no deal. We should never trust a contract with them. We should shut the current pipeline down and look to work with more principled and ethical businesses.

  • Julie Spencer
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:49:50 -0400
  • Julia Chambers
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:48:41 -0400
    Called and voiced my opposition for the tunnel!
  • Mary Sanders
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:47:17 -0400
  • Frank Roder
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:47:12 -0400
    An email message was sent to Scheutte stating that I am against the construction of a tunnel beneath the Straits of Mackinac to house the Enbridge Pipeline. I also made a telephone call to voice my objection to this plan.
  • Lauren Moore
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:46:57 -0400
    Emailed Schuette on 10/4/2018.
  • John Young
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:42:55 -0400
    Sent text
  • Terry Deegan
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:41:56 -0400
  • Sharon Mitchell
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:41:41 -0400
    I emailed just now.
  • Gary Gritter
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:38:12 -0400
  • Graham Grubb
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:37:03 -0400
    Hi. I both called and emailed Schuette and told him I oppose the proposed tunnel under the bridge. Thank you.
  • Barbara Hopkins
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:35:44 -0400
  • John McDonald
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:35:24 -0400
    I oppose any tunnel under our bridge at the straights. This is unnecessary and other options exist. The oil does not serve Michigan; It is sent through your state and right back to Canada to be refined. Pipe line 5 will not last 7 plus years and should be shut down now. Enbridge cannot be trusted and when the line does break all of those that allowed it to happen should be prosecuted and sent to prison because the experts have warned you all along.

    Serve Michigan and stop this deal; it is up too you.

    John McDonald

    117 Monroe

    Traverse City, Michigan

  • Tracy Reed
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:32:37 -0400
    I telephoned and spoke to his administrative assistant about my opposition to line 5 and the tunnel
  • Natt Hockamier
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:32:23 -0400
  • Gary Rentrop
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:30:29 -0400
  • Barbara Hansen
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:29:29 -0400
    Yes,emailed through the provided link.
  • Robin Tinholt
    endorsed 2018-10-04 10:29:05 -0400

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