NOTE: We've submitted these comments to the AG's office.
Make a bigger impact now and sign the No Oil Tunnel petition instead!

For the first time in far too long, the Michigan Office of Attorney General stood up in court to protect the waters that belong to the people of Michigan. We've been working to hear opening arguments in a lawsuit to decommission Line 5 for years.

AG Seal

Please join us in signing this thank you letter to Attorney General Nessel and her team.

The wealth and power of the entire fossil fuel industry and their allies are aligned against us and our Attorney General, but the title of this case is “THE PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN v Enbridge.”

Let our advocates in the Attorney General’s office know that the people they represent have their backs and are thankful for the hard work and long hours they are putting in to face off against the wealthiest and most powerful industry in the history of the world.


Dear Attorney General Nessel, Deputy Attorneys General Manning, Reichel, and Bock, and staff of the Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture Division:

On May 22nd, we watched the Michigan Attorney General’s office take a stand to protect our public water resources on behalf of the people. Michigan residents have been asking for this for a long time and we thank you all for your efforts on our behalf.

For years, we have been calling for action to shut down the Line 5 pipeline, which as you know presents a constant and unnecessary threat to our state’s greatest treasure. It is inspiring to see the work that you all have put in to bring this case on behalf of the people. While the oil industry and other powerful financial interests are aligned against you, know that the people of Michigan and people around the world who value our Great Lakes are in your corner.

We know that this case is a long way from being decided, but we are grateful for your efforts, and the people of Michigan are with you as this case moves forward.

Thank you all!


1,442 Thank You's
Let's get to 1,425!

Will you sign?

Showing 1478 reactions

  • Kathy Paulson
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:46:37 -0400
  • Mary Fernstrum
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:46:30 -0400
    Lived in the UP for thirty years, I am a displaced Yooper in MN, and I am happy our attorney general Keith Ellison has joined this suit.
  • nancy jarvis
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:46:16 -0400
  • Elaine Connors
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:46:12 -0400
  • Pamela Bloink
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:46:08 -0400
  • Michael Bolz
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:46:00 -0400
  • Dan Verkerke
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:45:55 -0400
  • Grace Pernecky
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:45:52 -0400
  • Lee Engstrom
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:45:37 -0400
  • Chris Thatcher
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:45:18 -0400
  • Mackenzie Adams
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:45:18 -0400
    Thank you for fighting to protect the Great Lakes. My family has lived in Northern Michigan on Lake Huron for generations and worry about the threat of environmental damage from the Line 5 pipeline. Your work is so important. We appreciate your efforts to keep our lakes safe from devastating pollution.
  • Earnest Everidge
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:45:04 -0400
    I am writing a novel to help with funding. [email protected]
  • sujo Offield
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:44:53 -0400
  • Mary P Campbell
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:44:49 -0400
    Thanks for fighting the good fight.
  • Barb Fitzpatrick
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:44:39 -0400
    With utmost gratitude!!
  • Mary Andridge
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:44:33 -0400
  • Zachary Solomon
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:44:27 -0400
  • Nova Donley
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:44:26 -0400
  • Jason Moritz
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:44:26 -0400
  • Bailey Chui
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:43:59 -0400
  • Renee Mittelstaedt
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:43:55 -0400
    You are all rockstars! Thank you for doing what’s best for the future of our state and the waters we love.
  • Kristin Brace
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:43:49 -0400
  • Cheryl Hassard
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:43:44 -0400
  • Cliff Yankovich
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:43:31 -0400
  • Adel Easterday
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:42:55 -0400
    You can tell it means nothing to the Canadians. It isn’t their gorgeous vista, it is ours. How can we put it at risk? Oil is drying up. The oil companies are going bankrupt. What will we be left with when they walk away? A giant mess that we have no money to clean up. Terrifying isn’t it. Don’t quit now Dana. Keep on pushing. We are all behind you.
  • Amanda Jungkuntz
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:42:25 -0400
  • Constance Chiodini
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:42:23 -0400
    Michigan deserves clean water, thank you.
  • Dorothy Mead
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:41:56 -0400
  • Phyllis Stanbury
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:41:44 -0400
    Thank you. It is wonderful to have law makers on the side of people for a change!
  • James Slater
    endorsed 2020-05-22 12:41:42 -0400

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