RSVP27 people are attending
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
11:00 a.m.– 2:00 p.m. EDT
Marysville Municipal Park
Huron Blvd @ Gardner
Marysville, MI 48040
United States
MI CATS, Bike the Line, Oil & Water Don't Mix, Food & Water Watch - Michigan, The Council of Canadians and more groups are coming together on May 25th to raise our voices to #ShutDownLine5!
Enbridge will be conducting a Spill Response Drill to show their "preparedness" if an oil spill were to occur, but the Great Lakes are too precious to risk.
We will be sending off our bikers in Bike the Line as they connect with communities living along Line 5 from Marysville, MI to Superior, WI.
Marysville, MI is just south of Port Huron, on the banks of the St. Clair River near where Line 5 crosses back into Canada.
Invite your friends, family, and neighbors. We will have a community lunch and conversation about mobilizing to shut down line 5. We will hold a press conference, banner launch, sign making, and speakers at the same time Enbridge is having their spill response drill. Speakers will include:
- A representative from Food & Water Watch - Michigan
- A representative from Bike the Line
- A representative from The Council of Canadians
- And more!