All the Info about Lame Duck Lobby Day!

Welcome, !


We'll keep this page updated as we go. So excited that you've signed up. We're going to lean on you to keep your RSVP updated - if your plans change and can't attend, please visit this page to cancel your RSVP.

If you haven't clicked the big red RSVP button, you won't be on the list for all the juicy info and any updates. Please RSVP.


Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Central United Methodist Church
215 N Capitol Ave
Lansing, MI 48933

We will be inside to start but will walk across the street to meet lawmakers, then back to the church. There will be quite a bit of walking, so spike heels are not a good idea (sorry, fellas). You must bring a photo ID to get into the buildings!

Parking Info

Here's a link to a map of parking lots around Lansing. 

The church is at the northwest corner of Ottawa and Capitol, right across the street from the Capitol building. The rates vary by location, with most payable by credit card (used to enter) or cash. The closest free parking is probably a mile away.

  • The North Capital Ramp is the closest to the church (2 blocks) and is $12.50 maximum for the day/$2.50 per hour,
  • The North Grand Ramp is about 3 blocks away and costs $15.00 maximum for the day/$3 per hour.
  • The Townsend Ramp is on the other side of the Capitol Building and costs $12.50 per day/$2.50 per hour
  • Across the river are parking lots under the Lansing Center that cost $7 per day and are paid when you enter the lot. There is a pedestrian bridge from the Lansing Center to the Radisson Hotel, or you can walk across the Michigan Avenue Bridge or the Shiawassee Street Bridge.


Our friends at Michigan Climate Action Network have organized a bus from Traverse City, with a pick up in Grayling (for Straits area folks). Bus leaves Traverse City at 5:15 AM Tuesday, November 27. Tickets are an astoundingly cheap $17 thanks to a generous donor who has offset much of the cost.

Buy TC/Grayling to Lansing Bus Tickets

There may be a bus from the Straits. If it happens we'll post information here.

A bus from Flint will also be coming. Details should be available here by Tuesday morning, Nov. 20.

Join A Carpool

We set up our event at Carpool World. If you have an extra seat in your vehicle or need a ride, please register at the carpool page to find a driving buddy.

Partner Organizations
Lobby Day Partner Organizations

Important Dates/Times

Monday, November 26 at 7:00 PM EST - TRAINING & Q&A WEBINAR - Here's a recording of the webinar:



Tuesday, November 27 - LOBBY DAY 

8:00 AM - Central United Methodist Church (address above) - Doors Open & Lobbyists Arrive. Coffee & Donuts provided.

8:10 AM - Lobby Training Begins - All should attend*

8:30 AM - Lobby groups assigned, elevator pitch practice among groups

~8:50 AM - Traverse City/Grayling Bus Arrives

9:00 AM - Lobby groups begin dropping packets at SH/SS offices

10:00 AM - Groups return to church, drop off notes

10:15 AM - Large group conversation on how the lobbying went

Circulate rapid response list for those who would like to attend and sit in the gallery when this bill goes to the floor of either chamber.

11:00 AM - Go to Senate Gallery to observe

12:00 PM - Volunteers begin heading to press event at Church

12:15 PM - Press Event

1:00 PM - End of lobby day. Optional wrap-up at Art’s Pub (corner of Kalamazoo and Hosmer). 

*We will have lobby training on the bus from Traverse City/Grayling.


REV November 26

It'll be useful to read these over before the scheduled orientation conference call on Monday, Nov. 26 at 7:00 PM, but for sure read them before Lobby Day. We'll have these packets (plus a few other documents) to hand out when you arrive on Tuesday. Use the button to download all documents or click on each link for separate documents.

Download Packet

Lame Duck Lobby Day Primer

Cover Letter for Lawmakers

Q&A About Senate Bill 1197 NEW

Sign-On Letter for Legislators

Capitol Map



Post your question below for all to see. We'll get back with you ASAP.

What's On Your Mind?

Showing 22 reactions

  • Bill Latka
    commented 2018-11-26 21:53:16 -0500
    Hi Gregory. Our fiscal sponsor is Michigan Environmental Council. I’m not sure if there are any matching funds involved. I can find out tomorrow.
  • Gregory Alexander
    commented 2018-11-26 21:08:35 -0500
    Hey Bill was a great seminar this evening. I heard on the phone the whole thing. :)

    Planning on being there in the morning but curious with “giving Tuesday” tmrw. Is oilandwaterdontmix eligible for double amounts of funding too? let me know thanks! Gregory Alexander
  • Bill Latka
    commented 2018-11-26 17:20:28 -0500
    Mindy: We urge you to send an email via this tool:

    Also, the three key representatives are in Emmett, Cheboygan, and Mackinac counties.

    Third, you should definitely call your own representative. Find their number here:
  • Mindy Binsfeld
    commented 2018-11-26 15:26:05 -0500
    Unfortunately, I will no longer be participating in the Lame Duck Lobby Day tomorrow. Do you have a list of legislators who are most important to call and write letters to concerning SB 1197?
  • Barbara Stamiris
    commented 2018-11-26 14:20:01 -0500
    A. To carol graham banes Q or others interested in propane from L5:

    The natural gas liquids for propane represent less than 1% of Line 5s total volume. NGLs come into the UP from the W (separated from the oil by air) and travel to Rapid River near Escanaba. In RRiver, 2% of the NGLs are drawn off and converted to propane for distribution in the UP by truck or rail . The important point is that the UP propane need is met before ever reaching the Straits – so it does not justify a tunnel. 100 % of the NGLs that do cross the straits go directly to Sarnia.

    The safe and affordable alternatives to L5 for propane are explained in Dynamic Risk 2017 Alternatives Analysis or this link . If I have anything wrong, Jim, let me know.
  • Carol Graham-Banes
    commented 2018-11-26 13:16:39 -0500
    What is the exact route of gas through Line 5 from Superior, WS to the eastern UP where it is used for heating, propane, I believe?
  • Berta Meserve
    followed this page 2018-11-26 09:03:03 -0500
  • Barbara Steer
    commented 2018-11-26 08:21:21 -0500
    I’d like to hear thoughts about two aspects of this SB. One: what are the points the pro-bill legislators and others are making, and Two: what do you think is in it for the supporters; what and/or who benefits. Thanks.
  • Joanne Galloway
    commented 2018-11-25 18:22:19 -0500
    I’m surprised we are including “I’m concerned that this bill would pave the way for Enbridge to keep

    their current Line 5 pipeline operating for the next ten years…” in the sample copy. It concerns me that it takes away from focusing on a single topic, ‘preserving the authority of the MBA.’
  • Berta Meserve
    commented 2018-11-25 16:51:49 -0500
    Are we going to be asked/allowed to give a public comment in front of a group of representatives?
  • Suzanne Love
    commented 2018-11-25 16:02:31 -0500
    As far as parking, people can also park for free in the Frandor Parking lot and get on the #1 CATA bus that stops in Frandor and then which stops in front of the church as well as in front of the Capitol. It runs about every ten minutes and is about a 15 minute ride down Michigan Avenue. A chance to see what changes are happening to the city.
  • Larry Lipton
    commented 2018-11-25 11:42:51 -0500
    What time does everything begin on Tuesday, Nov. 27? Not coffee, etc., but actual training or action. I don’t want to be late, but I don’t want to get up in the middle of the night, drink a quart of coffee to wake up, drink more coffee in the car, only to arrive at 8:00 am and learn that from 8:00-8:30 is more coffee. Thnx.
  • Jeanne Sekely
    commented 2018-11-24 21:36:41 -0500
    My senator is Casperson, the sponsor of the legislation at the heart of the issue with the Mackinac Bridge Authority. Obviously he’s not going to be receptive. Any special suggestions?
  • June Thaden
    commented 2018-11-21 21:47:53 -0500
    Linda Taylor: sign up for yourself separately. Each person must RSVP as an individual. Also if you wish to ride the bus you need to buy your tickets for the bus. That program does allow one or more people to use the same form.
  • June Thaden
    followed this page 2018-11-21 21:45:05 -0500
  • Richard Taylor
    commented 2018-11-20 21:28:43 -0500
    Richard Taylor and Linda Taylor registerd to attend. RSVP received only for Richard.
  • Richard Taylor
    commented 2018-11-20 21:27:43 -0500
    I am trying to register for 11-26 Lobbying day in Lansing.
  • Bill Latka
    commented 2018-11-19 11:06:28 -0500
    We just added parking info to the page!
  • Mary Ann Davis
    commented 2018-11-19 09:11:21 -0500
    Where to park?
  • Kurt Hausauer
    commented 2018-11-19 06:36:49 -0500
    Shut off all oil running through any pipeline under any part of the Great Lakes…….What are these people THINKING? !!!!
  • Bill Latka
    commented 2018-11-17 13:46:22 -0500
    The TC bus stops in Grayling. Sorry. 🤡
  • Katherine Snell
    commented 2018-11-17 13:41:21 -0500
    It’s mentioned the bus is from Grayling and then it mentions Gaylord. Which is it please.

You can help now.

Join those working to protect the Great Lakes & climate from the Enbridge Line 5 crude oil pipeline.

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