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Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation Speaks Out

Another community sees the value in keeping oil out of the Great Lakes, and sends a letter to Governor Snyder asking him to act quickly to protect our water.

phs-logo-sm.pngWhen the Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation heard of the risk posed to their home in Emmet County in northwestern lower Michigan, they took action and joined many other communities, non-profits, and citizens groups in asking that Enbridge be held in full compliance of their easement allowing pipelines on the bottomlands of the Great Lakes. They also called on Enbridge to comply with the Great Lakes Submerged Lands Act (GLSLA) and undergo an community-foundation-letter.pngopen process to fully evaluate the risks posed by fossil fuel pipelines running through the Straits of Mackinac and 20% of the surface fresh water on the planet. This process has never been enacted on these Enbridge pipelines, but their age and location needs to be evaluated to ensure that the Straits of Mackinac can continue to provide untold economic benefits to the citizens of Michigan.

"...the short-term and long term economic strain of an oil spill disaster in the Great Lakes and along the shores of Emmett County would make it difficult for many of our nonprofit partners to endure." -David L. Jones, Executive Director, Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation

Other municipalities calling for immediate action include Grand Rapids and the County of Cheboygan, and the City of Mackinac Island.

Read the letter from the Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation here.

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  • Bill Latka
    published this page in News 2015-02-16 12:47:03 -0500

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