On July 1, 2014, a total of 17 conservation, water, environmental and tribal organizations sent a letter to Michigan Governor Rick Snyder urging immediate state action to regulate Enbridge’s Line 5 pipelines under the Straits of Mackinac. The letter cites several potential violations to the contract between the State of Michigan and Enbridge, and outlines the State's perpetual public trust authority to regulate this pipeline and protect the waters of the Great Lakes. This Citizen's Letter is a summary of the official letter sent to Governor Snyder.

Add your voice! Sign this Citizen's Letter to the Governor

Dear Governor Snyder:

An oil pipeline running through the Straits of Mackinac is putting the Great Lakes at risk. Our state is allowing the pipeline to operate despite questions about whether Enbridge, the pipeline owner, is complying with the terms of its 1953 easement or laws to protect the Great Lakes.

We the undersigned urge you to make all information about the pipeline available to the public, and require that Enbridge immediately:

  • Share with the public and the State detailed information about the contents, use, and safety of the pipeline
  • Comply with all terms and conditions of the existing easement
  • File an authorization application under the Great Lakes Submerged Lands Act to secure state permission for activities on state-owned public trust bottomlands
Help Reach the Next Goal: 3,500 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 1863 reactions

  • Mary Catterlin
    signed 2017-01-25 14:33:33 -0500
  • Joseph Dugan
    signed 2017-01-25 11:54:50 -0500
  • Joanne Lincoln
    signed 2017-01-24 10:42:55 -0500
  • Nicholas Overstreet
    signed 2017-01-23 23:20:16 -0500
  • Linda Hammond
    signed 2017-01-17 13:50:04 -0500
    We must move on this now!!
  • Kara Richardson
    signed 2017-01-16 11:50:43 -0500
    Please keep our water safe!!!! SHUT DOWN PIPELINE 5 before a dusaster happens. You have the power to ensure our children that our beautiful michigan lakes will endure.
  • Marilyn Larson
    signed 2017-01-12 13:51:27 -0500
  • Katy Allen-Nyenbrink
    signed 2017-01-01 23:56:31 -0500
  • Kaylee Moore
    signed 2017-01-01 17:20:04 -0500
    We need to put an end to pipelines and their danger to our water sources. With the situation in Flint, and the protests of other pipelines and spills happening across the country, it is imperative that Line 5 be addressed, and hopefully removed.
  • Jo Foley
    signed 2016-12-30 10:04:17 -0500
  • Richard Shifferd
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-12-16 22:00:38 -0500
    I signed a letter to Gov Snyder asking him to protect the Great Lakes. Will you?
  • Debra Butterfield
    signed 2016-12-16 15:56:00 -0500
  • George Sisolak
    signed 2016-12-14 15:54:46 -0500
  • Gladys Guerci
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-12-07 13:24:43 -0500
    I signed a letter to Gov Snyder asking him to protect the Great Lakes. Will you?
  • Gladys Guerci
    signed via 2016-12-07 13:22:59 -0500
    I signed a letter to Gov Snyder asking him to protect the Great Lakes. Will you?
  • Candice MojoRisin
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-12-07 12:00:45 -0500
    I signed a letter to Gov Snyder asking him to protect the Great Lakes. Will you?
  • Adriane Johnson
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-12-05 20:12:46 -0500
    I signed a letter to Gov Snyder asking him to protect the Great Lakes. Will you?
  • Adriane Johnson
    @MeAdrianej tweeted link to this page. 2016-12-05 20:12:43 -0500
    I signed a letter to Gov Snyder asking him to protect the Great Lakes. Will you? http://www.oilandwaterdontmix.org/sign_on_letter-done?recruiter_id=25828
  • Adriane Johnson
    signed 2016-12-05 20:09:00 -0500
  • Jamie Felisky
    signed 2016-12-05 10:50:44 -0500
  • Kate Donovan
    signed via 2016-11-30 12:56:03 -0500
    Kate Donovan
  • Douglas Severson
    signed 2016-11-29 20:26:07 -0500
    Douglas Severson
  • Wesley Lamey
    signed via 2016-11-29 14:19:56 -0500
  • Claire Donovan
    signed 2016-11-27 21:45:37 -0500
  • sandy deragon
    signed 2016-11-27 19:38:56 -0500
  • Kathleen Hanley
    signed 2016-11-17 19:36:50 -0500
  • Orlanda Leyba
    signed via 2016-11-17 14:36:43 -0500
  • Gay Anderson
    signed 2016-11-16 21:25:25 -0500
  • Donald R Shaffer
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-11-15 13:40:05 -0500
    I signed a letter to Gov Snyder asking him to protect the Great Lakes. Will you?
  • Donald R Shaffer
    signed 2016-11-15 13:39:38 -0500
    Protect our water Governor Snyder. Make sure to repair/replace pipeline structure before costly and toxic harm comes to our States’ natural resources that everyone depends on now and in years to come. Act now!