Technical Report by Dr. Ed Timm

Dr. Edward Timm submitted his independent technical report on Enbridge Line 5 to the Michigan Pipeline Safety Advisory Board.

Open Letter to Gov. Snyder and AG Schuette: Missing Line 5 Coating

Oil & Water Don't Mix sent an open letter to Governor Snyder and Attorney General Schuette calling for the shutdown of Enbridge Line 5 in light of news…

Enbridge 2009 Hiawatha National Forest Pipeline Operation and Maintenance Plan

This plan outlines operations in the Hiawatha National Forest in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

Letter to PSAB - Public Comment Consideration 12-9-2016

This letter was sent to the Michigan Pipeline Safety Advisory Board requesting the addition of public comment period during the Alternatives and Risk analyses. It was signed by…

Letter to Michigan Pipeline Advisory Board and DEQ

This letter was sent to the Michigan Pipeline Safety Advisory Board and Department of Environmental Quality asking them to take immediate action on Enbridge Line 5. It was…

Craig Hupp Letter to Pipeline Safety Advisory Board

Pipeline Safety Advisory Board member, Craig Hupp, sent a letter to the Board requesting consideration of a number of issues including interim measures on Enbridge Line 5.

State Responds to Easement Violation Letter

Officials from the State of Michigan replied to the letter sent by 22 environmental and tribal groups on April 13, 2016. It is reposted here for the record.

Enbridge Line 5 Easement Violations

New findings show Enbridge is violating safety conditions at Line 5 in the Straits of Mackinac. Twenty two environmental and tribal groups today, and Patagonia, formally requested that…

FLOW Comprehensive Alternatives Analysis and Systems Approach

FLOW submits a report titled, "Eliminating the Line 5 Oil Pipelines’ Unacceptable Risk to the Great Lakes through a Comprehensive Alternatives Analysis and Systems Approach," to the Michigan Pipeline Advisory…

FLOW Report: Imminent Hazard Requires Immediate Actions

Great Lakes lawyers and scientists call for two-step process, with immediate measures and a prompt action plan. 

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