Campaign Response to Task Force Report
The Oil and Water Don't Mix campaign issued a press release in response to the Michigan Petroleum Pipeline Task Force's official recommendations.
Michigan Petroleum Pipeline Task Force Report
The long awaited Michigan Pipeline Task Force Report has finally been released. This report was issued by a pipeline task force convened by Governor Rick Snyder to study…
Line 5 Fact Sheet
This fact sheet gives an overview of the legal issues and scientific opinions surrounding Line 5 and explains some of the work the Oil and Water Don't Mix campaign has…
Enbridge Response to Task Force
In this letter Enbridge attempts to defend Line 5 to the pipeline task force. The letter lays out the history of Line 5 and the precautions Enbridge has…
Key Findings: Independent Experts' Reports
This document summarizes some of the key findings from independent studies of Line 5 by three different experts. (READ THE REPORT)
FLOW Composite Report
The 62‐year‐old Enbridge oil pipelines running through the Mackinac Straits should be shut down pending a full public review because of structural concerns, including the worry that waste…
Lakehead Pipe Line Company Easement
This is the original 1953 easement agreement between Lakehead Pipe Line Company (predecessor to Enbridge) and the State of Michigan.
Sunken Hazard
A report released by the National Wildlife Federation calls for immediate action to prevent an oil spill in the great Lakes. The report details the threat an oil…