Oil & Ice Don't Mix

Concerned citizens and stakeholders gathered at the Straits of Mackinac today to call to shut down Line 5 before ice covers the Straits this winter.

Citizens Call to Shut Down Enbridge Line 5 by December

Oil & Water Don't Mix campaign member Michigan Chapter of Sierra Club issued a press release calling for the closure of Line 5 during winter conditions.

Enbridge Plans Oil Spill Drill for Straits of Mackinac

Oil pipeline company Enbridge prepares for an oil spill from their Line 5 pipelines in the Mackinac Straits in a September oil spill drill before the straits freeze…

Mackinac Island Community Foundation Meeting Report

Over 100 people attended a community meeting to discuss the MI Petroleum Pipeline Task Force report held August 12, 2015 on Mackinac Island, and hosted by the Mackinac Island…

Star Line Mackinac Island Ferry Urges State to Act Swiftly

In a letter to our elected officials of the Great State of Michigan, Gerald Fetty, CEO of Star Line Mackinac Island Ferry urges swift action on the recommendations by…

The Clock is Ticking - Act now

…the number of days since Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette declared on July 14 that the “days are numbered” for Enbridge’s aging Line 5 oil pipelines lying in…

Why Michigan Won't Shut Down the Mackinac Straits Oil Pipeline

A terrific article by Garret Ellison on mlive examines the Michigan Petroleum Pipeline Task Force report and why action has not immediately been taken despite Attorney General Bill Schuette's statement…

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