Citizens Groups Blast Enbridge Request to Rubber Stamp Line 5 Oil Tunnel Project

LANSING — Oil & Water Don’t Mix today sharply criticized Enbridge for asking state pipeline regulators to rubber stamp a proposed Line 5 oil tunnel in the Straits…

Michigan environmental, civic leaders, Native American tribes ask state to delay Line 5 consideration during coronavirus pandemic

State Executive Orders limit ability to review and comment on upcoming permit requests

Line 5 Pipeline Safety Enforcement Suspended

By David Holtz With zero fanfare and buried amid the crush of other COVID-19 developments, the federal agency charged with keeping oil pipelines like Enbridge's Line 5 safer…

New State Task Force Report: Michigan Should Shift Away from Risky Enbridge Line 5 for U.P. Propane

A report and draft recommendations from a state task force formed by Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer point to a needed shift away from the risky Enbridge Line 5…

Tunnel Credibility Collapse

Enbridge Hires Line 5 Oil Tunnel Contractors Linked to Two Major Tunnel Construction Fiascos As Citizens Groups Call for State Investigation

As Zombie Tunnel Authority Meets Friday, Citizens Groups Demand Protection for Michigan Taxpayers from Enbridge Great Lakes Oil Pipeline Rupture

A coalition of tribal, environmental, business and civic organizations on Friday will demand strong financial accountability from Enbridge before any decisions are made by a resurrected three-person panel…

Letter to Mackinac Corridor Authority

          Friday, March 6, 2020 Mackinac Straits Corridor Authority Anthony England Michael Nystrom James R. Richardson   Mackinac Straits Corridor Authority members: Your meeting today…

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